Piloting Bayesian Networks as a technique for the participatory modelling of flood risk in Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire
September 20, 2013
Part I: Background to the project, and the first three workshops (by Shaun Maskrey) Traditionally, flood risk management in the UK has relied on the technical fix, an engineered solution parachuted in by certified experts who may or may not have local knowledge of the catchment. This has led to a dominance of engineered grey …
About the Blue-Green Cities team…Emily Lawson
August 12, 2013
The first couple of blog posts for Blue-Green Cities will give some insight into the members of the interdisciplinary consortium; their backgrounds, role in the Blue-Green Cities Research Project and what they have been working on at present. And I’m going to start. I’m Emily Lawson, and my role in the project is to coordinate …
Welcome to the new Blue-Green Cities blog!
August 8, 2013
This is the new blog site for the Blue-Green Cities Research Project…testing, testing, testing! In the past few weeks I (Emily Lawson, researcher at the University of Nottingham) have learn several new skills; how to create a website (using CMS Contensis), how to create a intranet page, and now, how to set up a blog. …
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