Urban Flood Resilience team at the ICONHIC2019 (Chania, Greece)
July 22, 2019
Leon Kapetas (University of Cambridge) and Vladimir Krivtsov (Heriot-Watt University) present their highlights of the 2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure (ICONHIC2019) and post-conference tour of Knossos and its ancient water management system. The conference The Urban Flood Resilience Consortium had the opportunity to present some of their ongoing research at the ICONHIC2019, …
Human-Environment Interactions and the El Niño Costero floods in Piura, Northern Peru
September 14, 2018
In this blog, Leon Kapetas discusses flooding, vulnerability and risk management in Piura, Peru. When Piura’s civil protection team asked residents to evacuate their villages in Piura’s river floodplain, they hesitated to leave. They knew that a flood was going to arrive soon and put themselves and their properties at risk, but they also knew …
Using System Dynamics for Sustainable Water Management in Ebbsfleet: Part 1
March 5, 2018
In this blog, the first in a series on the use of system dynamics for developing a sustainable urban water management strategy in Ebbsfleet, colleagues from across the Urban Flood Resilience consortium outline plans for using this novel participatory technique, and report on the outcomes of the first modelling workshop. Introduction and case study site …
Planning for Sustainable Flood Risk Management: A Northern Ireland Workshop
September 17, 2015
On 2nd September a workshop hosted by the Northern Ireland Rivers Agency, a division of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD), and supported by the Blue-Green Cities Research Project and River Restoration Centre (RRC), discussed how Northern Ireland could change their flood risk management planning and practices and increase the role of natural …
Blue-Green Cities Knowledge Exchange Workshop and Symposium, Ningbo China, 15-18th June 2015
June 25, 2015
Members of the Blue-Green Cities Research Consortium, including Prof Colin Thorne and Dr Emily Lawson, School of Geography, University of Nottingham (UoN), headed over to the Ningbo China Campus (UNNC) for a week of knowledge exchange, project dissemination, engagement with City officials and cultural learning. The Ningbo event, entitled Blue-Green Cities: Integrated Approaches to Urban …
Enhancing impact through effective stakeholder engagement; an ARCC event for early career researchers
November 5, 2014
Blog post by Emily Lawson, University of Nottingham. On the 9th October I headed up to York to participate in a workshop on stakeholder engagement. The event was hosted by the Adaptation and Resilience to a Changing Climate (ARCC) network and was aimed at improving the skills of early career researchers and imparting ideas on how …
Summer research in Boulder and Portland
September 3, 2014
1. Uncertainty in climate change research Lan Hoang from the Blue-Green Cities team recently attended a workshop on “Uncertainty in climate change research: an integrated approach”, organised by the National Centre for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, USA (NCAR). The workshop gathered various notable speakers from across the field of climate change research, as well as participants from …
Clean Water for All workshop Newcastle March 2014
March 27, 2014
This blog discusses an exciting new initiative between the Blue-Green Cities team and colleagues from the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded Portland-Vancouver ULTRA (Urban Long-term Research Area) project (or PVU). Blog post by Emily Lawson. The Clean Water for All (CWFA) project began in January 2014 with an aim to build long-term, collaborative partnerships with American …
Planning for climate change in Nottingham – the potential role of Blue-Green infrastructure
March 5, 2014
On Friday 21st February, I (Emily Lawson, University of Nottingham) attended a workshop hosted by the Green Alliance Climate Leadership Programme with Lilian Greenwood MP. The workshop title was ‘Planning for climate change in Nottingham’, which resulted in some excellent discussions on strategies for managing future extreme events, e.g. flooding and drought, and the importance of …
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