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For The First Time

Hey it’s me again, sorry for the lack of posts! University life has been pretty hectic with the many things that are currently on my plate such as my dissertation, optional modules, labs, part-time work and life in general. So much for having a relaxed spring semester! Enough about things that stress me out, let’s …

5 Places in Nottingham Where You’d Love to Dig In!

Since Valentine’s Day is coming up, I thought I would show some love for Nottingham. Being me, I decided to tell you about what I think are the best places to eat in Nottingham. This could have easily been a long list, but I thought I would keep it simple and share 5 of my favourites! 1. Le …

Let Freedom Sing!

FREEDOM! So this is what freedom feels like… maybe George Washington had a point all them years ago. Exams are over, the days are now brighte – habitable and Saturday evening Match of the Day can be enjoyed without a text book in one hand (sidenote: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich makes …

It’s Always Sunny in… Nottingham?!

I know you are all probably as exhausted as I am, barely surviving on caffeine but if you’re looking for a little break from revision or a good excuse (in my opinion at least) to procrastinate have a little read of this post. Not too many words but lots of pictures, I promise! I love food and …

That’s not my name

I’ve never been very good at those awkward icebreaker activities tutors get you to do at the start of term. I usually forget that I have interests, panic and either say something like “I like tea” (true, but doesn’t everyone?) or make something ridiculous up (I once told a class that my middle name was …

It’s Good to Be Back

  Goodbye rainforest paradise, hello Nottingham! (not that Nottingham isn’t nice) I am back after a lovely 6-week summer in Malaysia. Scorching weather without book in sight, non-stop flow of conversation and good company pretty much sums up my trip home. The heat was what prompted my family to go up into the highlands where it was …

Sorry I Can’t Hear You…

….. over the sound of my freedom!! You may not want to read this if you aren’t done with exams yet. It may make you slightly jealous. Sorry. I don’t make the rules (or set the exam timetable). I know freedom doesn’t have a sound. Or does it? Does internally screaming count? (I couldn’t scream …

The Emergence and Varsity

Just give me a second. That’s it, was just shaking off the rustiness! It’s been nearly 4 weeks since I last blogged. I can only apologise and put all the blame on exams. Between the last blog and this one I have been through the exam equivalent of the 5 stages of grief. Denial Yeah …

The Plot Thickens

The first, of what I hope will be many, Cluedo Nights occurred on Thursday. I promised you something interesting would be in this weeks blog, didn’t I? So who did it, with what and where? Mrs. White, Dagger in the Library and Colonel Mustard, Revolver in the Ballroom. To be honest with you I didn’t get the answer …

The C Word

No I don’t mean cancer, I mean the C-Word that university students dread hearing: COURSEWORK As you may have realized I missed a blogging slot last week. Sorry about that, this was due to said coursework. I had to do a workbook on Gastro-Intestinal and Liver Diseases with 11 questions, with each answer being about …