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If I did new year’s resolutions…

The whole, ‘remembering how much I love my family and have missed them while at uni’ lasted a whole maybe, three days.  Then I remembered exactly why I enjoy uni and independence so much.  I might only be halfway through second year but I haven’t lived at home for nearly two years now, spending half …

I’m a 4th Year Medical Student

Hello, How’s your holidays so far? I hope you guys are having fun and doing lots of wonderful activities with your family and friends. I on the other hand, have now become a 4th Year Medical student this Monday. My first attachment is Obstetrics and Gynaecology (learning about pregnancy and conditions relating to female reproductive …

It’s the beginning of my 2 week holiday!

Hello readers! I am currently writing to you all the way from Edinburgh. Yeap, I’m currently on my 2 week holiday before the start of my 4th year. This week has been a rigorous week for all 3rd year medical students as we faced our final examination of the year. It began on Monday with …

Feeling good

Hello everyone! This is my final week in Clinical Phase 1 (hospital attachment) and I’m just so nervous about the exam next week. I’m sure that most of my colleagues are as well. Exams; truly one of the things that would make a typical student feel a little bit anxious. Anyway, on Friday last week, …

How’s your holiday?

Hello, I’m currently revising for my exams. Progress is not too bad at the moment. I need to finish one module before the end of today and get back to Clincal Phase 1 – Clinical Practice (the tough one) as soon as possible since this is the one where a lot of people failed to …

2 Weeks Left!

Hello everybody! How’s your week? Have any plans for the bank holidays? I’m afraid I don’t have any apart from staying at home and studying for my upcoming examination in the next 2 weeks. Yeah, most of my friends from other courses have already finished their examination (Lucky them!). So yeah, if you ever have …

Oh My English

Hello again, I know, it’s exam season. So, I understand if you don’t even have time to read any blogs. Thus, I’m going to keep it short (I’ll try my best). Living in the accommodation at King’s Mill hospital for the past 13 weeks (wow, it’s really been that long :O) made me realise a …


Hello everyone, Truth be told, I didn’t really have a good start to my week. You see, I was assigned to be at the Emergency Assessment Unit, EAU Ward (the ward that patients go to after A&E) this week and I am supposed to interview 8 patients before the end of the week. But my …

I’m an Independent Visitor!

Hello everyone! Hope you’re all are doing fine with your revision before the exams in the next few weeks. My exam will be in late June unfortunately. Anyway, on Tuesday last week, I went to meet my young person whom I will befriend for the next 2 years. I was really excited about this position …

Time for Time Wasting

It’s now been a week since I submitted my dissertation and what a surreal week it has been. Thursday was a mixture of emotion – stress, worry, relief, loss and above all exhaustion. It was early to bed and Friday morning I had expected to wake up feeling relieved and happy – instead I woke …