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The End of Term and the Beginning of Veronica Mars

Dear Loyal Readers (okay …  Mum and Dad), My apologies for not posting last week. My excuses are classics so I won’t bore you with length explanations (deadlines, being disorganised and this play I did), but on the plus side it means I have lots to talk about this week. Firstly, last Monday and Tuesday …

Happy St Patrick’s Day!

Hey Patrick! As this is your special day I am dedicating this blog to all things Irish…you can buy me a ticket to Ireland as a thank you if you really want to. In fact, just last night my housemates and I went out sporting some rather fetching Irish themed fancy dress. Originally I wanted …

Argo, Mothers, and the 2 Big O’s

A dip in the Big O I’m not one of those people so keen on Ocean that I buy my tickets 6 weeks in advance. Before last Friday, I had only gone to Ocean once, which left me associating the club with dodgy fish and over-the-top cheesy music. But it was actually really fun last …

Going on a bear hunt… to the zoo!

On Sunday I climbed aboard a coach at 8:30 and urged my friend to run from Sainsbury’s otherwise she’d miss the bus. If only I had my camera on me and I could have captured her running! I’ll hopefully make up for that one missed photo opportunity by showing you lots of pictures of all …

10 Truths that aren’t always true

Well I have been doing a lot of coursework this week, and it’s almost the end of term; and amongst the word counting, caffeinated beverages and frustration/ victory/ despair my mind has turned a little philosophical. So this week I’d talk about student truths, or commonly held ideas, that might not be always true. Some …

To exec or not to exec ?

Now that is the question. Well fellow students, its that time of year – forget elections, I have less than a thimble full of interest for them – its time to start thinking about the societies you’re a part of.  Do you take the next step and join the exec?  I’ve spent the last year …

What a Joke!

Today I went into the Disney Store and my friend and I were put on the spot and asked by a shop assistant to tell him a joke! He wasn’t just making polite conversation. It turns out that if we made him laugh, the Disney Store would donate £1 to Comic Relief! Now that was …

Fire door CAUSES Fire…

This week I’m reporting almost from a 3rd person perspective. I was at home this week recovering from illness in my own bed, the good news, Ollie Steels, blogger, geneticist and all round great guy is getting better thanks to some antibiotics and rest (although the blood test results are still somewhat elusive… I need …

Oh, What’s Occuring?

Howdy. There are some pretty cool things happening this coming week that I’d like to share with you guys so you don’t miss out. Tuesday: New Chancellor’s Installation Day Lecture Sir Andrew Witty, our Uni’s new Chancellor, is giving a lecture on Tuesday at 3pm. He graduated from the University’s School of Economics and is …

The Key of the Door

So apparently, when you’re 21 you get the key of the door- because you’ve never been 21 before. So that was exciting this weekend on my 21st birthday. My mum tried to get me one of these gorgeous plastic numbers but couldn’t find one in time. So in stead I got these I love tulips 🙂 …