March 12, 2013, by Beca
To exec or not to exec ?
Now that is the question.
Well fellow students, its that time of year – forget elections, I have less than a thimble full of interest for them – its time to start thinking about the societies you’re a part of. Do you take the next step and join the exec? I’ve spent the last year as Vice President of the Jitsu club at uni and, based on my own experiences, I’ve compiled a guide for you all.
1. Do you have the time?
Realistically, if you’re at most of the training sessions and attend the majority of the socials then you probably do. Attendance by the committee is what keeps societies alive – a front I’ve failed at epically this year. I didn’t take into account what other commitments I’d be taking on this year and everything’s just clashed. Thankfully, a lot of my role has involved paperwork and organisation so I’ve been able to do a lot of it at random hours of the night.
2. What position is best for you?
All clubs have got to have a president, a treasurer and a secretary (please don’t shoot me if I have that wrong), by most have more positions such as social secs. Treasurer can’t be a final year student and involves basically handling the money. There’s hidden paperwork involved and you’re responsible for signing absolutely everything off in terms of money. General secretary’s deal with the paperwork. The president does everything else… unless they have a vice in which case they delegate (ALL OF IT).
3. Why do you want to do it?
If the only reason you want to do it is because it’ll look good on your cv then forget it. You’ll hate it. Being part of the exec is something you have to want to do because you love the club and want to make it better.
Finally guys, if you think you want to do it, GO FOR IT! I have absolutely loved my year this year even though sometimes I’ve wanted to quit and just pack it all in. When you manage to pull something off you feel great and of course, it will help you develop skills for life.
* * *
On a completely different note. This weekend was beyond amazing! Dawn assault on a building with GPMG’s in the background, grenades and flares, not something I’m going to forget in a hurry.

Pre-attack – don’t we look amazing

After the battle was won
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