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Fourth Year…I can’t believe I just wrote that!

Lecturer: “I mean you’re fourth year now, so really you should always have a scientific journal article on you, to read and highlight in spare moments.” Students: stunned silence So I’ve started fourth year. It’s hard work. Long lectures, dissertation, many courseworks and the nudging pressure of knowing this is the beginning of the end. …


I’m back – like the placement terminator. I’m home – like E.T. And I’m  full of energy…like Eeyore   Actually I’m quite tired, so I’m enjoying these two weeks at home to rest and catch up with family and friends and get lots of little jobs done – it’s gotten quite busy though. On a …

Back to University

Shopping, Summer and the Future I’m not a big fan of shopping. Standard boy attitude. I drag my feet around, grumble if something extra appears on the list and so after a long summer putting it off I’ve finally had to start getting some essentials in and as quickly as I could I ended up …


So there are 12 days of Christmas 12 disciples 12 chairs at a table before superstitious people get twitchy …And 12 weeks of summer placement in the third year of studying to be a Dietitian. Well I have been very productive:   Worked very hard: And given some great Dietetic advice:   The above was …

Bon voyage…

And so after many months the time has come for me to bid farewell to the University of Nottingham, and I can now finally release my Study China 2013 video. I’m sure you’ve all been waiting with bated breath for this video, and I apologise for the wait (and lack of HD, don’t ask). So, …

Untying the Notts…

This is the moment you have all been waiting for. It’s time for my final blog. Now I was mulling over what I should write to really celebrate this moment but even having a degree in English with Creative Writing didn’t seem to help. Instead I have decided to use my previous 38 blogs, pick …

Uni Withdrawal Syndrome

It’s the start of September, months since many of us have been on campus and for some of us we not be returning in the new term. So how have you been coping with normal eating and sleeping patterns? Have you woken up with a start thinking you’ve missed your lecture only to realise you’ve …

Another month ‘sails’ past

It’s been a while and golly gosh so much has happened… Is what I’d love to say. I’ve spent my summer in England mainly at home or work and so stories worth talking about are a little difficult to come by hence the lateness of this post. However, I’ve managed to get out and do …

Finding your place…ment

So it’s been a little while since I last blogged – and that’s because it’s been very busy. As the title suggests, I’ve been finding my place in my hospital placement as a Student Dietitian. I suppose it has been quite surreal for me. I’ve wanted to be a Dietitian since I was thirteen so …

Barcelona, Beaches & Buildings

Anyone else been on the family summer holiday yet? If you haven’t,  don’t worry I’m not going to use this blog to brag about going away to Barcelona! In fact last year our family went on a beach holiday to Essex…no joke. So I have pretty much managed to sum up my trip to Spain …