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Lights will guide you home

The cold winds sent shiver down the spines of the passers-by. The darkened atmosphere surrounding the concrete structures of this town would undoubtedly give a solemn impression to any observers. But the brilliant lights shining from these not-so-familiar artworks on that night definitely captivated the attentions of many. And a young lad who had always …

Chair-desks & Hot tubs

  So it was the New York Giants who came out victorious over the Patriots in Superbowl XLVI winning 21-17 in a very tight game. In true American style we watched the game on a larger than life flat screen with enough wings and hot sauce to feed a small army. Madonna did her thing …

Volunteering and an end to the house hunting

Hi everyone, Had my first day back at volunteering this week! Since the Christmas holidays I’ve had coursework and exams, and then last week was difficult due to being the first week back at university and needing to settle into my timetable properly, and going house hunting… I was a little apprehensive going back to …

Beware Reverse Culture Shock

Hey all, So yes, the winter freeze of the UK has finally hit – which saw endless snowfall on Saturday, and seems be threatening again this evening – eeeek! I got a beautiful snap of the snowflakes from my skylight window… But I must admit that the cold weather, while beautiful, does make me hark …

Model United Nations, Flight tickets and Adjusting your sails

I really love this quote. I’m definitely a realist…a complaining realist. I’ve come to realise the importance of having little pieces of peace in everyday life. All the little things like a tidier room…making sure you get your breakfast every morning can make such a difference. I think because graduation dates were released recently (JULY …

It’s snowing!!!

Hello everybody! I am just in such a good mood this week. A lot of great things happened that I’d like to tell you all. Firstly, it began to snow heavily yesterday. Alright, I apologize if you’re not so much into snow. But being a student originally from a tropical country where the weather can …

The end of exams and the start of semester two

Hi everyone, The first week back at lectures has been quite hard work! I think my second exam, on Saturday 21st, went pretty well; my last exam on Monday 23rd I wasn’t quite so happy with, but I think I did the best that I could have done and by that point I was just …

‘What pants are you wearing out tonight?’

In a week that saw Mitt Romney move a step closer to becoming Republican candidate for the upcoming US election and social networking site facebook announced a $5billion yard sale of stocks, I have become deeply engrossed in American culture. I have begun learning American English. So when someone asks ‘What pants are you wearing …

Surreal(ity) Shock

Surreal. The word that best sums up my last week; I never really considered experiencing reverse culture shock, but I most definitely have. What is interesting is that it’s not necessarily British culture I am struggling with, more British student culture which is so significantly and yet subtly different that it takes some readjusting to. …

Keeping up with Life

Apologies again readers for my late blog post- seriously I won’t be making a habit of this. Let me reassure you that my blog entries are always on Tuesdays! ^_^ Explanation: Yesterday I got up early to prepare for Refresher’s Fayre for UNICEF Society, but I couldn’t stay for the actual fayre as I already …