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Eight Days and Counting…

So this is it…I am 8days away from completing the final 20 credits of my degree (Each year of your degree is made up on 120credits and my final two years have a 50:50 weighting on my final grade). It’s crunch time, that crazy, hazy, in-the-zone, reach the goal mentality that I feel only finalists …

One down, two to go.

I had my first exam (Public Sector Economics) yesterday. In a few minutes, after I write this blog, I will commence the ‘proper’ revision for my next exam on the 30th May. It’s all over on the 7th. And what a sweet day that day will be. But as a post-first-exam treat I went to …


Hello everyone, Truth be told, I didn’t really have a good start to my week. You see, I was assigned to be at the Emergency Assessment Unit, EAU Ward (the ward that patients go to after A&E) this week and I am supposed to interview 8 patients before the end of the week. But my …

London and Library Times

The thick of revision has really started now, there’s an overwhelming atmosphere of stress, worry and all-nighters over UoN and Hallward Library feels very much like rush-hour on the London Underground; scrambles for seats, hordes of people bunched up and spilling out over personal boundaries, snappy remarks, grumpy faces, coughs and colds and perfecting the …

Angkor Wat, Getting Vaccinated and Sloths

My friend Alice has just come back from a trip to Beijing. She has been studying in the Ningbo Campus for a semester and took time out after the exams there to go to the capital. Seeing her photos in my study breaks make me crave for the summer. Tanya and I recently booked four …

Farewell to University of Virginia

As the sun rises on the Nottingham summer semester, so the sun sets for me as a second year exchange student at the University of Virginia. My time remaining in the United States is now limited but I have much planned in my final weeks and many miles to get under my belt with much …

9th of May – A day to remember

Hello everybody, 9th of May was a really great but hectic day. I had double assessments on that day for my CFU (Community Follow-up) module and I also have a Celebration Event to attend in the afternoon. So, for my CFU, I actually fell asleep accidentally at 3 am. I was in the middle of …

Revision and Rain

What is with the weather at the moment? Does it ever stop raining, I feel like everyday I choose the unluckiest time and get soaked haha. I suppose having to do work in grotty weather is pretty lucky though – the worst thing is being holed up inside doing repetitive revision while the sun beams …

Vietnam, Living on less than £1, and Happy birthday to me!

Today is Day 2 of doing the Live Below the Line 2012 campaign. It’s a massive charity campaign where you can’t eat more than £1’s worth of food over 5 days. It was started by the Global Poverty Project and the Oaktree Foundation in Australia and now it’s spread to the US, New Zealand and …

I’m an Independent Visitor!

Hello everyone! Hope you’re all are doing fine with your revision before the exams in the next few weeks. My exam will be in late June unfortunately. Anyway, on Tuesday last week, I went to meet my young person whom I will befriend for the next 2 years. I was really excited about this position …