May 24, 2012, by Gael
Eight Days and Counting…
So this is it…I am 8days away from completing the final 20 credits of my degree (Each year of your degree is made up on 120credits and my final two years have a 50:50 weighting on my final grade). It’s crunch time, that crazy, hazy, in-the-zone, reach the goal mentality that I feel only finalists understanding. That overwhelming willingness for it to all, finally to be over, and yet the paradoxical sense of wanting to hold on. Not only to maintain these hazy, happy student days, but also to hold on to some kind of credits that give you the ability to still affect your final grade. The more exams you complete, the more final coursework’s you hand in, the less impact you have less on your final grade and that sense of control gradually slips away…eeeek! Crunch time.
I feel as if only those in their final year can really relate to the mundane, in the zone, ignoring all other aspects of life that my week has consisted of. My day’s start early, with coffee and a rushed breakfast to get to Hallward Library in time to grab a booth by a window and mark out my revision territory for the day, even if the stifling heat that came at the tail end of this week has made Hallward quieter, the determination of those who remain to find the best seats is impressive. Days spent here are long, between 12-13 hours and yet whizz by – I can’t believe I am already at Thursday once again. They are quickly broken up with coffee breaks and lunch runs. I feel to get through this revision I have to reward myself, not good for my budget but seeing as my social life is at a low I feel that these indulgences are allowed, and good coffee is a must to get through the days – Please be aware that these are not good tips on how to get through revision….in fact they’re probably the opposite of what you should do to say most pro-active and healthy, but I’m just working out what works best for me. Costa at around 3:30/4 is the highlight of my day. Pottering over to Blackwells in Portland in the afternoon lull and grabbing an iced caramel latte kicks me into the afternoon drive which finishes my day with a productive boost…I couldn’t get through without at least the promise of that drink….YUM.
This revision repetition is what we all become used from our GCSE’s, throughout our A-Levels and then right up to the end of our degree, sunny days spent sweating it out over theorists or facts. But as it’s all drawing to a close I find myself at the sharpest level of my academia. Yes UoN has been incredibly socially and with the opportunities it has provided, but as I come to the culmination of my three years, and thousands of pounds, it is my academic sharpness and honing of my critical mind and deepening of my theory application that I am so incredibly proud of and determined to finish with a flourish. So here’s to next week, two exams, twenty credits and finishing it off with a bang. On Friday next week I’ll let you know how putting down that pen felt…
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