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Me, myself and I

It has come to my attention that I’ve done things a bit backwards with these blogs. Unlike my fellow bloggers who began blogging with a blog about themselves, I launched myself right into blogging about stuff and never really told you anything about the guy behind the keyboard. Therefore, this week I’m taking a step …


Today is supposed to be my day off. But I still have things to do…like this blog for instance! Actually, this is the only way I can communicate today seeing as I woke up without my voice. My housemates are loving it though…but I can still whisper loudly! Not having my mobile this week, I …

Travelling…in Cars and Time

After a lovely weekend in London for my Grandma’s birthday celebrations, being cooked for, and lying on a proper sofa to watch tele, I returned to student life in Nottingham. Here, I have to cook for myself, the sofas are not very comfy, and to “watch tele” means downloading Eastenders from BBC iPlayer. It was really nice …

Fresh Prince of Newark

Hesitantly I logged into my emails. Expecting nothing but hoping for something. Then I saw it, sitting in my inbox like a glistening golden nugget, ‘Hi Oliver, if you’re still keen, we would really like you to be our first year blogger’. Excited is an understatement. I jumped out of my chair, knocking the endless …

Pros and Cons

This photo is a fairly apt summary of this week so far. Plus I’ve been missing my family and friends from home quite a lot. Coming to Uni has shown me I’m a bit of a home bird and speaking to other students in different years makes me realise I’m not alone – everyone has …

Students in a Suite

Right now it feels like my to do list is longer than the number of hours in a day, or a week for that matter. I’ve a half finished essay due Friday and kit to iron for tomorrow afternoon; Mum wants calenders making that need to be submitted by Friday and my weekend’s going to …

One of those … Months.

You know the ones. Where everything is going … wrong. As if you’ve somehow ticked off the karma gods, or broken a mirror or just somehow are bringing bad things upon yourself. I should have guessed this storm of minor tragedies was looming from the day I arrived back in Nottingham, and the things I …

What a Mug!

All week I have been struggling to think of a topic to write about. So I guess I should really thank the guy that mugged me. It happens. When all the students come back from the summer, crime rates go up and we are easy targets. A cliché I know, but I just didn’t think …

Crystal Menth

Most of my week has been dominated by Fresher’s flu* so I have been enjoying the delights of night nurse, lemsip, olbas oil, and menthol crystals – also known as Crystal Menth. The latter you put just one in a mug of boiling water, then cup your hands over it, and inhale. It blows your …

Making Memories

Nothing will compare to your time at uni; it’s probably your first taste of responsibility and first time without your parents breathing down your neck, watching your every move.  It’s something you have to make the most of, one day you’ll settle down and get a ‘proper job’, you’ll be a slave of your work …