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7 Days

Om nom nom When it’s really cold I eat a lot more than I need to. In the past 6 days, I’ve had waffles with golden syrup pretty much every morning (and some evenings), about 7 pork sausages, Chinese take-out twice, and a lot of crisps/sweets. I don’t know what it is about the cold …


Sometimes laughter is the best medicine. A case in point below of me crying with laughter before going to a ball (I’m not normally dressed that formally). My flatmates were pretending to rap. I love my Uni friends – and random moments of joy that have really made me chuckle. This week these moments have …

The joys of Skype and other timewasting opportunities the internet holds

Skype.    I have a confession.  Skype is my new best friend (sorry Shez).  Its such a great way to keep in contact with friends around the country, whether they’re at different unis, home or just generally living/working far away. If you don’t have it, GET IT! You’re missing out. Positives =) It’s free and means …

Winter adjustment

Winter brings the craziest things Walking around campus last week I noticed the funniest things. With only 4 weeks left (sorry, that’s a scary thought I know) and deadlines breathing down our necks like there’s no tomorrow, it’s easy to walk around campus with your blinkers on, not noticing the most peculiar behaviour. Yet, out …

Show Time

So my week has pretty much consisted of several proposals and quite a few bear sightings. Yes, it’s been a busy week (hence why this blog is a day late, sorry!)   Anyway, going back to that first rather obscure yet true statement, all week I have been at rehearsals for The Proposal and The …

Part of Society?

At University many opportunities present themselves to you. From the chance to be indepedent and learn life skills such as cooking and money management… (not that the last is learned well) to having the chance to participate in new sports or other such new activities. In my opinion, the best way to make the most …

Bare Grills

For many, cooking for themselves is a scary prospect. But it needn’t be! It’s not like you have to rear your own cattle, grow your own vegetables, and make your own pasta. You don’t need to enter the kitchen looking like this: Nor do you need to spend hours each evening making an extravagant meal. …

The Game of Life

This is my To Do list: We’ve got a lot to do, it is one lump or two? For you our guest, She’s our Guest,  Be our guest!. As you can see I have quite a lot to do. Uni Third year is like playing “life” on level expert, with multiple coursework bosses and low …

Atemi Nationals !

Jitsu (a predominantly uni based sport) nationals were in Sheffield this weekend and attended by yours truly along with the rest of the epicness that is Nottingham Uni Jitsu.  It started with a pre 8am train on Saturday and ended with a KFC and a rousing chorus of Misery Business in the car home Sunday …

Getting Active

With the Police Commissioner elections taking place this week I thought I’d change it up a bit and interview my friend Georgina about the SU’s  campaign related to these elections. Here goes: What is a Police Commissioner and what role will they play? A Police Commissioner is a new government introduced position, which controls something …