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Take a Break, Have Some Cake

Tea and cake at 3 o’clock is fine, very civilized even. Eating chocolate fudge cake at 3 o’clock in the morning, the tea necessary for a caffeine burst, however is not really acceptable. The only possible excuse is that essay deadlines are looming! Why else would I also have the urge to then sort out laundry after …

House Hunting in Nottingham

After exams, the streets of Nottingham become pretty full of students looking for houses for the next academic year. Some have booked appointments to be shown round by the landlord, others just knock on doors with letting agency signposts. Both are wise options, the latter more so when houses start to get snapped up quickly. …

The Second Term Slog

First of all I’d like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! It’s been a while but I’m finally back at my computer screen and preparing to write my first blog of 2013! In brief I’ve celebrated my 19th birthday, ate plenty of good food at Christmas and welcomed in the New Year in style… …

A Happy New Year’s

New Year’s Eve is always a hit or miss kinda night. There’s always a lot of pressure to be doing something crazy fun and sometimes all the hype can leave you thinking ‘was that it?’ Nights out can be expensive, if you live in London and decide to go see the fireworks you have to …

If I did new year’s resolutions…

The whole, ‘remembering how much I love my family and have missed them while at uni’ lasted a whole maybe, three days.  Then I remembered exactly why I enjoy uni and independence so much.  I might only be halfway through second year but I haven’t lived at home for nearly two years now, spending half …

My 2012 in Pictures

A year ends and so a new one begins. It only seems fitting to look back on 2012, so here are some highlights of my year:                   Watching the fireworks on the River Thames for NYE. My friends and I travelled into London on public transport with “2012” written …

A Shiny New Year

Well Christmas has Christmassed, New Year has New Yeared and now it’s 2013: Year of the Elephant (because elephants have long memories and I really need a good memory right now!). To be honest so far I feel like it’s been the Year of the Sloth but maybe organising early (ish) morning revision was optimistic …

Riding in a one-horse sleigh

It’s been 3 days since Christmas. The only remnants are a white Christmas tree that probably won’t be taken down for another couple of months, and the memories. In the run-up to Christmas I wasn’t very excited. I don’t mean to sound like a scrooge, but this year the Christmas period seemed like any other holiday. My friend …

So This Is Christmas

A time for all to find their inner child My body clock decided it was Christmas Day at 6am this morning; by 7am I was bouncing up and down the corridor with my youngest brother, racing down the stairs to sort the stack of presents (which has been accumulating under the tree for the past …

A Very Merry (Topical) Christmas Carol

Once upon a Christmas time in the magical land of Birmingham, 4 cousins went for a festive meal. Little did they know, the candle of Christmas, the candle that protected all joy and happiness around this time of year, had been compromised! (Dun dun duh!) Instead of counting down the days until Christmas, it had begun to suck the life out …