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Laundry: Crime Scene

This week the laundry became a crime scene as my toga outfit launched a vicious attack at my Alcatraz fancy dress.  The Defence (bright red-orange scarf pictured below) pleads “not guilty” but the evidence provided by The Prosecution in the form of newly dyed pink stripes is pretty concrete. Was it intentional or just plain …

Theatre is Life

Theatre is Life! At least it is my life at the moment and was most definitely last week; well theatre and musicals. I was ridiculously cultured last week come to think of it … Let me explain. Two weeks ago my friend and I were fortunate enough to be given the chance to co-produce and …

Sleep, glorious sleep.

Oh sleep, wonderful sleep marvellous sleep glorious sleep! My body is crying out for sleep. A small splashing of sport and a dollop of illness has seen my craving for sleep reach an unbelievable peak. All throughout my life I have been the type of person, who wakes up, rolls out of bed (not literally) …

A Postcard from Slough

Lugging my heavy pink flowery bag to campus on Thursday may have implied that I was headed somewhere exotic after my afternoon seminar. Well, you would be right. I got straight on a bus to head to the train station and my destination was the one and only (drum roll please)…Slough! Okay, so not really …

Take Advantage While You Can

This blog is particularly aimed at you freshers and second years that may have the mentality of “I’ll do it next year” or “We have lots of time at Uni to do that”. Well, you don’t! Time flies so quickly; before you know it, you might have missed out on the things you kept on …


Mystery: Noun: Something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain. Mystery number 1: A Murder Mystery Party We had lovely house-guests this weekend and had a murder mystery dinner party in their honour. This was hilarious. Good food. Ridiculous plot. Gallivanting. Standard. As is customary with these things, the storyline was scandalous: affairs, manipulation …

My oh so glamorous life

And so passes yet another week in the oh so glamorous life of Beca.   A week of wandering spatulas (later found down the back of the tumble dryer), feeling about six while apologising to someone and some pretty amazing jitsu last Friday resulting in pain… nothing new (I should really learn not to hit people …


I’m here to talk to you today about the National Student Survey (NSS)! Not as exciting as the headline made out hey? But wait! Before you click on that cross and close this blog, let me tell you why filling in this survey is a grand idea that will generate you some first class karma …

Hidden Gems

Spontaneity. Is a beautiful thing. (That suits a David Attenborough voice don’t you think?) I was lucky enough to spend this weekend with my girlfriend but in typical male fashion I hadn’t come up with any concrete plans for the weekend. So Saturday afternoon came and a friend tipped me off about a deal. 2 …

Very Interesting People

This week I promised an interesting blog. Well…I am going to Barcelona in the summer with my family, I have become addicted to the programmes Parks and Recreation, watched Uma Thurman try and Kill Bill and I have just made a hot chocolate. That pretty much sums up the interesting aspects of my week. I …