March 3, 2013, by Ollie
Sleep, glorious sleep.
Oh sleep,
wonderful sleep
marvellous sleep
glorious sleep!
My body is crying out for sleep. A small splashing of sport and a dollop of illness has seen my craving for sleep reach an unbelievable peak.
All throughout my life I have been the type of person, who wakes up, rolls out of bed (not literally) and is up and about all day. Being used to working some early shifts and going to school meaning my body used to be able to cope with starts before 7am!
The very notion of getting up at that time would now kill me – but I’m struggling to put my finger down on why University has changed my sleeping patterns so much. I often used to joke with my sister about the point of ‘University naps’. My arguments being…
- Go to sleep earlier
- Just go to sleep earlier
Now I’m afraid I must do what few brothers should ever have to do. Apologise. Dear sister, if only I had seen your logic earlier. If only I had learnt the wonders of the University nap! Mid-afternoon my bed starts to call to me. (obviously it doesn’t I’m not losing it yet!) out the corner of my eye it looks so warm and inviting (maybe I am losing it…) Anyways I slide underneath the duvet and nap contently. 2 hours later feeling terribly tired as I’ve woken up at a bad point during my sleep cycle, I groggily drag myself back to my computer and leave a good hour to wake up. SO! 3 hours later, no work has been done. But I feel refreshed. I could work forever and nothing will stop me. I have so much energy I’m going to use it. To procrastinate. Several hours of procrastinating and then boom! It’s bedtime. 11pm to get a good 8 hours sleep before lectures the next day BUT I haven’t done what I’ve supposed to do.
Panic sets in, if only I had those few hours back I lost from napping I’d have done all my work before bedtime. So then it hits 1am. Tired but work done (sort of) I stumble to bed. I wake up the next morning, exhausted, never feeling so tired in my life! BUT if I just make it through 6 hours I can have a nap later.
And so the viscous circle continues.
The more I think about it, the more I realise why I am so tired. This week I have done around 10 hours of exercise (and I’ll need to do a lot more to get in shape but it’s a start!) On top of this I’ve been out twice this week for a hall formal and with some friends from back home and both were great fun.
So it’s destroying me slowly – but am I going to stop? No! I’m just going to moan and wish for more sleep! 3 weeks to go!
Disclaimer: The photo of me sleeping was during a break… promise!
Awww beached whale made it on the blog