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UoN Student Life Hacks

When you first arrive at university, it can be a little daunting – especially when trying to find your way around the large campus, and not yet having knowing coursemates to ask. Luckily, there are a few life hacks out there that can help to smooth the way. What I’ve included in UoN specific, and …

Hang-out spots at University Park

If you start University this month, your YouTube feed is probably full of university and campus vlogs. One of the most recurring mentions you might find is the University Park Campus. There are over 30,000 students at our University, and University Park Campus is almost big enough to accommodate ALL of us. If you’re a …

You should make your accommodation feel homely

Irrespective of how glorious our freedom might seem after the big move to university, home is the place where we feel most comfortable. This is probably why we find ourselves grabbing photo frames and other silly items of attachment that make us feel homely, with warmth even while we’re far away. As an international student, …

Unique societies at UoN

UoN is home to loads of different and unique societies, to allow you to enrich your student experience and try something new. They are also a great way of making new friends and meeting people with similar interests. The SU’s website has an enormous list of them all! Here I’ve compiled a list of societies …

Using group chats to connect with your peers before you move

Editors note: Please note that these group chats are not managed or monitored by the university. They have been created by students for students. Please be cautious about who you share your information with It’s really easy to feel clueless and out of the loop as a prospective student at university. More so, if you …

Adapting to university classes

Leaving familiar surroundings and arriving at university can be daunting. Not only do you have to adapt to a new place, new people and a new lifestyle, but also a new workload and a new way of working. But have no fear, many students before you have succeeded, and if you find yourself struggling, there …

Convenient Routes to Travel to Nottingham

Moving to a university must be exciting for students that shift to new cities. But it is especially exhilarating for students who travel further away to leave their country and set up new lives abroad. To all those international students…I resonate with you! With all this excitement, you have probably already booked your tickets to …

A Day-Out of University Life to the Zoo!

Hear students, the sun has begun to shine brighter! It’s time to switch your big, heavy coats with thinner, more colorful layers. Isn’t it great to see everybody out on the downs with barbecues, music, and games? The last couple of weeks have been ideal for a day out to soak up some sunshine. Just …

My International Christmas Covid-19 Experience

I was thrilled about spending my first Christmas in England, although I knew I wouldn’t be able to meet my family. But I had a flatmate who stayed back because she was an international student too. We saw all our other flatmates off together and decided to explore cities nearby over the Christmas break. Two days …

Student nights in with Res-X!

Come September, all prospective university students scour through YouTube for student vlogs. They are always in search of students who once felt as overwhelmed as they are. This includes those who victoriously got through the Fresher’s events and the first couple of months without any problem! My admittedly biased research showed me that prospective students …