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The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the ice cream is calling – you’re lying back relaxing for your summer holiday… And I’m blogging.   You may be thinking – what on earth are you doing Sarah? Blogging in the holidays? I thought it had finished! Well sorry to disappoint but I’m here for …

Ladding in London

Do you like Shakespeare? Do you like Merlin? Then you’ll love seeing Colin Morgan as Ariel in the Tempest! Points to anyone who got this reference: So I had a lovely weekend visiting my friend Carrie-Anne in Maidenhead I slept in one of the most comfy beds I’ve ever slept in:   Ate some of …

Bristol Times

Hello everyone! I hope you are all enjoying being exam-free (anyone with exams left…stay strong), I am and I have been trying to make the most of being home. This week I went to a friends house and had takeaway and played games. We also watched League of Gentleman which is so wrong but so …


Nausea is rising Patience getting low According to all sources The Doctor’s is where to go! So this week can be the last time (last time) Just about half past ten The last time I feel really sick And have to go to the Doctor’s again! Yes the most exciting thing this week is going …

We are the Champions

To all those revising, head on desk, bloodshot eyes, shaking hands – I salute you. I am aware that you are enduring torment so that you might achieve, and that for you freedom is currently the light at the end of a distant tunnel – somewhat like the escape from Shawshank. My thoughts and prayers …

Your-Revision Song Contest

Well I am in the thick of exams at the moment – 1 down 3 to go! It was also the Eurovision song contest last weekend (so bad it’s good) which I LOVE and that was a lovely revision break. For me, the winners were Greece with this beauty ‘alcohol is free’: But I’m glad …

Are U Healthy?

Well this week I have looked like this: And it has felt a bit like this: Apparently Mumford and Sons did a cover of this song –> random. Also this is very true: I want to be a cat…because a cat’s the only cat….who doesn’t have revision. However, one thing I did find time to …

Revision fever

Imagine, if you will: You are looking at your hand, and you notice a small red mark, like chicken pox. You spend a long time cleaning it, putting on special medication, and eventually, after your extensive ministrations, the spot disappears. You think to yourself “brilliant, my hand is healed, how nice to see some clear …


“at the end of the day it’s all a game isn’t it…ok it might be an important game that will be significant for the rest of your life…but exams are a game and you need to know how to play to win.” The above was some wisdom from one of my lecturers in the last …


Guess who’s back? Back again? Sarah’s back…there’s no need for you to inform to your friends, however. Opening the blog with a Eminem reference…I am so down with the kidz – I mean, please take note of the use of “z,” evidently I am some kind of spelling maverick. *shifty eyes* So, as you may …