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Posts by Agnes

My favourite walks around Nottingham City Centre

Since September, I’ve been living in the city centre. Similarly to everyone else, I’ve also taken up daily walks. These definitely have given me a deeper appreciation of the city and I strongly encourage you to go on a walk around Nottingham city centre when you have the chance. The Arboretum (obviously) The Nottingham Trent …

Why I AM a Mathematician

A few days ago I attended an event titled Women in TEC hosted by Bright Network. It was an incredible opportunity and I’m really thankful for being selected as one of the attendees. You can view my professional expression of gratitude here, on my LinkedIn profile. (Yes, shameless, but relevant – just bare with me.) …

Safe Valentine’s Day Celebrations

If you’re spending it together    1. Romantic takeaway Cooking together isn’t as fun when you do it often, so why not treat yourself to a nice ‘dinner out in’. If you often have takeaways, try to make this one special – light some candles (or fake candles, let’s not forget fire safety), play some …

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How to Celebrate the End of Exam Season

Any other year, we’d be planning our big comeback to the Nottingham clubbing scene. Whether you’re the Ocean type or the Crisis type – nothing compares to that first night out after all the exam stress expires. Unfortunately, this isn’t any other year.  But that doesn’t have to mean you don’t get to celebrate and …

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“Meaty” recipes for Veganuary

Happy New Year!  And, of course, happy Veganuary! I’m not here to convert you to veganism or to convince you to participate in Veganuary, I promise. However, if you’re curious to try something new or are looking for some new vegan recipes – I’ve got just the thing for you. Vegan recipes, as all recipes …

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Reflecting on 2020 – Things I’m Thankful For

After my last post, which was quite sad, I decided I better balance it with something positive. SO today I’m here to share some good memories from the past year – things I’m thankful for. 1. A very long summer vacation  Let’s be honest, we were all excited about the break from general life when …

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Missing out on the Uni experience

This year has been extremely difficult for everyone, so it feels selfish to mourn my disrupted plans when others are mourning loved ones. However, I know that there are other students around the country, around the world, who feel the same.  My birthday Ocean My friends and I decided that we’ll celebrate my 20th birthday, …

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Socially Distanced Socialising – Making new friends during a pandemic

One of the biggest parts of the ‘University Experience’ is entering an environment full of new people. In usual circumstances, your first few weeks would be filled with attending events and activities and lectures full of opportunities to make new friends. Although this might not be the case this year, it doesn’t mean that your …

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All the things Uni-d to know about your Uni Card

Soon after your registration, you will receive your University Card, also known as your Student ID. It will have your name on it, your student ID number, the start date of your course and your library card number – plenty of information! Not only that, but it will be crucial to your time as a …

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A New Reality

When I wake up, the first thing I do is check my phone. This morning, it’s an email reminding me about a welcome talk – five minutes before it starts. I drag myself out of bed, turn the kettle on and find my laptop under a pile of clothes on the couch. I cleaned the …

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