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Pharmacy Student, Nottingham/Malaysia

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Posts by Olivia

Superpowers & Chinese New Year

“If you had a superpower, what would it be?” My answer to this question was always either to be able to fly or to be invisible. However the longer I am in university I find myself wanting a different kind of superpower. I want, no sorry NEED an eidetic memory kind of like Mike Ross …

OSCE (oz-key)

Some of us have written examinations, some of us have online examinations and then some of us have OSCEs.. OSCEs are the objective structured clinical examination. Sound like gibberish to you? Well me too. Luckily you have me to explain what an OSCE is all about, especially since I’ve just been through one today. I …

An Unusual Christmas

  This year will be the first Christmas I’ve spent away from home and my parents. It’s not all bad though because I at least have my sister and I still get to spend time with family. I guess it’s quite nice to know that thousands of miles away from home there is still nothing quite …

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Lesson One of House Hunting: Be (very) Patient

This past week my flatmates and I had our first experience at house hunting. However we got lost (in Lenton!) and were about 15 minutes late for our viewing slot. Naturally, the agent wasn’t very pleased with the five of us and proceeded to only show us one house out of our original plan of …

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Busy busy busy!

I’ve finally had a little down time after a crazy busy for two weeks. I had a test, my sister came to visit, lunch with my host family, an interview and placements. Thankfully I had the Friday off to collect myself before the cycle repeated itself! At least I only have three weeks left before …

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The C Word

No I don’t mean cancer, I mean the C-Word that university students dread hearing: COURSEWORK As you may have realized I missed a blogging slot last week. Sorry about that, this was due to said coursework. I had to do a workbook on Gastro-Intestinal and Liver Diseases with 11 questions, with each answer being about …

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The Food Diaries

WARNING: This post may make you hungry. So I’ve been living off my own cooking  for a little over 3 weeks now. I have to say, I am amazed that I got this far. Before I moved into self-catered accommodation the only food I knew how to “cook” was microwaveable. Think pot noodles, Cup a …

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Take me to Ikea!

As this was the last weekend my parents were in the UK (they head home today) we had a little family trip to Ikea. Cause what do you do when your parents are around? Any university student knows this.. You let them feed you and buy you stuff! First up was to get some food …

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Greetings & Goose Fair

Hi there! My name is Olivia and I am from Malaysia. You may recognize me if you’ve been reading the university’s fresher blog; “A Fresh Start”. I am in my second year of Pharmacy. Some things I like include cupcakes and traveling. Things I dislike are 9 to 5 lecture days and fire alarms. I …

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