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Pharmacy Student, Nottingham/Malaysia

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Posts by Olivia

The Home Stretch

The last time I blogged was about a month ago. In case you were wondering where I have been, I am now on the other side of the world; back home in Malaysia. Sweet, sunny, and unfortunately hazy Malaysia. Before returning home I was in Norwich on my Boots Summer Placement as I mentioned in my …

All Grown Up? Not quite..

I am currently in Norwich. No it’s not what you may think, this isn’t a trip to enjoy the seaside and some fish and chips. Though would you blame me if I slipped some of that in during my down time? Anyway, back to my point, this is largely a business trip. Well.. Kinda. I say …

Up and Down! (the country)

Hello dearest blog readers! You probably may have noticed I have been missing for a few weeks, this is because I really have been away travelling. These past few weeks, I have been down to London then Loughborough and just recently Edinburgh! It has been a busy time for me, packing, unpacking and then packing …

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Sorry I Can’t Hear You…

….. over the sound of my freedom!! You may not want to read this if you aren’t done with exams yet. It may make you slightly jealous. Sorry. I don’t make the rules (or set the exam timetable). I know freedom doesn’t have a sound. Or does it? Does internally screaming count? (I couldn’t scream …

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Beating the Revision-Monday Blues

Tired of revision? Yeah me too. This is not my favourite time of year. I mean I love that summer is approaching but what good is it if I am stuck in my room or Hallward all day without being able to enjoy the glorious sunshine? Thank goodness we only have to stick it out …

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Sun, Tapestries and French Culture!

Hope all of you had a lovely Easter yesterday with lots of Easter eggs! I have been absent from the internet as I have just returned from a trip to Angers. Angers is a city in the west of France. I had this lovely opportunity as the School of Pharmacy at this university has a …

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5 Reasons I Love My Job

I’m sure you’ve seen them running around on campus the past few Wednesdays and ocasionally Saturdays in fluorescent green t-shirts and smiling faces. I am one of these people and I love my job. I am a student ambassador for the university. What that means is that I get to help out the university’s marketing & …

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Writer’s Block

To say that I have had writers block these past few weeks would be an understatement. I’m still alive and kicking if any of you were wondering if I had suddenly disappeared. So I do apologize for my lack of posting. I have been up to quite a bit so let me fill you in! …

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The Food Diaries (Part II)

I think I had a little too much fun last week with all the celebrations going on.. It was my friend’s birthday on Monday, then my flatmate’s birthday on Tuesday and then Valentine’s Day on Friday. There was some drinking involved, but the worst BEST part of it was all the food. Mostly dessert. There were …

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Of Medicines & Late Nights

So here’s a little detour from my usually style of posting. You probably know from my posts and my profile that I study pharmacy. Although I’ve complained quite a bit about my course in several posts you may find it a little hard to believe when I tell you that I do love my course. …

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