Research Priorities Workshop: Overwhelming Questions

This post is authored by Dr Sean Matthews, Head of School or the School of Modern Languages and Culture. It is in response to the two research prioritiy workshops that we have recently held (see here and here). Overwhelming Questions: UNMC Research Priorities Workshop, April 30 2013 Our UNMC Research Priorities Workshop brought into focus …

Engineering Research Brochure

Engineering has recently launched a new research brochure. It can be downloaded from here. I have also placed a version on this blog site for archival purposes, available from here (note, this has been optimized as the original was too large to upload onto the blog site – this has reduced the resoltion of the images …

Research Priorities Workshop – 2

As part of the process of reviewing the research priorities across the University (not just at UNMC), we are holding two workshops (they are the same format, but we are holding two to accommodate all the people that wanted to attend). The first was last week (24th April 2013). Ten people attended, with a number …

Research Priorities Workshop – 1

As part of the process of reviewing the research priorities across the University (not just at UNMC), we are holding two workshops (they are the same format, but we are holding two to accommodate all the people that wanted to attend). The first was held earlier this week (24th April 2013). Ten people attended, with …

Can branch campuses, and education hubs, compete in a global market? Have your say!

While working on another project (and doing the always required literature review) I came across the two papers shown at the end of this post. I have shown the abstracts, and you can access the full papers via the DOI link (I can’t post full copies of the paper for reasons of copyright). It seems …

UNMC Research Presentation (22 Jan 2013)

I was recently asked to give a talk to invited agents who were on a two day conference organised by Admissions and the International Office. The talk I gave (not surprisingly) was a brief overview of the research that is being carried out at UNMC. I also talked a little about our famous alumni, just …

Our affiliation is ….

Following a recent post where we asked what you thought your affiliation was, we discussed this matter at a recent Research Strategy Committee meeting. We decided that we should use “University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus” as our affiliation. From this point forward, can you ensure that you use this affiliation when submitting papers. We will …

A good start to 2013 on publications

As we enter 2013, and I do my usual trawl around Web of Science and Scopus trying to prepare for the MyRA return, it is interesting to see that we already have  a number of publications in 2013. In fact as of 10th January, we have published 24 articles according to ISI and Scopus. I …

What is your affiliation?

Whilst preparing for MyRA, and looking through some of our publications, it is apparent that we have many different ways of stating our affiliation. Just to give you a few examples (and this is non-scientific sample) (the Faculties/Schools/Departments have been hidden to protect the innocent): Univ Nottingham, ??????, Semenyih, Selangor Darul, Malaysia Nottingham, ?????, Malaysia …

Book Launch: Solar Drying: Fundamentals, Applications and Innovations

A new e-book was launched recently from a joint effort between academic Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering staff from the Center for Food and Bio-Product Processing and the Transport Processes Research group, NUS, Singapore. The title of the e-book is “Solar Drying: Fundamentals, Applications and Innovations” (ISBN: 978-981-07-3336-0). It is edited by Dr Ching …