May 1, 2013, by Graham Kendall
Research Priorities Workshop – 2
As part of the process of reviewing the research priorities across the University (not just at UNMC), we are holding two workshops (they are the same format, but we are holding two to accommodate all the people that wanted to attend).
The first was last week (24th April 2013). Ten people attended, with a number of support staff also in attendance.
The second workshop was held earlier this week (30th April). Twenty two people attended, again, with a number of support staff.
The outcome of these workshops will feed into the University wide review that will be undertaken later this year.
Like last week, it was a another interesting and informative workshop.
I’d like to thank all those that gave up their time to attend the workshop (see below). I know that it was a big commitment of their time and I appreciate that they recognise that this is important for the University.
I’d also like to thank Zabidah, Nash and Faz, for providing administrative support for both events, as well as Vian and Faizah from the Research Support Office who also attended to support the event and also to find out the type of research that we do.
Great workshop.
Thanks Dino
extremely informative and insightful. Thanks Graham
any clue for non-attenders what was discussed/concluded/being taken forward?
Thanks Amin
Sevenja: For various reasons I don’t want to discuss this on an open forum but I will be disseminating something soon. In the meantime happy to catch up over coffee.
We have over 12 PhD students in our research team. Ironically we dont get emails inviting us to this workshop or infromed of the venue.
Can someone please let me know how this ‘Research Priorities’ is being selected or identified?
Kind regards,
The selection/invite was made by myself, Deans and Head of Schools. We were conscious that we could not invite everybody, but we tried to get a representative, cross campus selection (which I think we achieved). Being invited (or not) should not been taken as any sort of measure of the research ability of any one individual or group. It was important though that we had representation from all Schools/levels. I can assure you that Pharmacy were well represented in the discussions.
Dear Prof Graham Kendall,
Thank you very much indeed for your reply. I look forward to receive your emails in the future.
With a critical mass in our research team, we hope to contribute further into the identified priorities of the university.
Teng Jin Khoo