Nafis Alam joins the Editorial Board of the Journal of Asia Business Studies
April 7, 2014
Congratulations to Nafis, who has been invited to serve on the Editorial Board of Journal of Asia Business Studies. Serving as Associate Editors in important for UNMC as it raises our profile and demonstrates that we are recognised leaders in our relevant fields. Of course, it’s also good for the individual’s CV!
UNMC Showcases its research to the PVC for Research
April 3, 2014
Professor Saul Tendler (Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research) was recently at UNMC for the tri-campus University Executive Board/Management Boards Meeting. Following this meeting Professor Tendler stayed at UNMC for a further two days to hear more about the research that is being done at UNMC. This was our opportunity to showcase our research, both its quality …
Ahimsa Campos Arceiz joins the Editorial Board of Global Ecology and Conservation
March 24, 2014
Congratulations to Ahimsa, who has been invited to serve on the Editorial Board of Global Ecology and Conservation. Serving as Associate Editors in important for UNMC as it raises our profile and demonstrates that we are recognised leaders in our relevant fields. Of course, it’s also good for the individual’s CV!
UNMC Publications 2014 – thus far
March 20, 2014
In our irregular review of UNMC’s publication record, below are the Web of Science and Scopus publications that we have recorded for 2014. Thank you to all those that have helped us make such a good start to 2014. Hopefully there are a lot more in the pipeline. As part of trying to streamline the …
The Rockefeller Foundation Food Waste and Spoilage initiative
March 19, 2014
This post was contributed by Asgar Ali The Rockefeller Foundation Food Waste and Spoilage initiative facilitated by the Global Knowledge Initiative in Kuala Lumpur: – successes achieved by Malaysia in reducing food loss, such that these lessons learned might be applied to the African context where post-harvest loss remains a significant and complex challenge Approximately …
Crowd sourcing helps search for missing plane
March 14, 2014
This is an extract from The Star Online. ‘The MH370-specific search was launched on March 10. Also sifting through the images was Associate Prof Dr Tuong-Thuy Vu, geospatial researcher at the School of Geography the University of Nottingham, Malaysia. “It’s actually very helpful when thousands of people work together to locate something,” he said in …
UNMC Associate Editors
February 13, 2014
For a presentation that we are doing to MoE, we have recently been collecting details of the Associate Editors that we have at UNMC. Being an Associate Editor is one of the key esteem indicators in academic life and it was pleasing to see that we have quite a few at UNMC. If there are …
MOA with Universiti of Malaya: In the Press
February 12, 2014
On the 24th January, we signed an MOA with Universiti of Malaya that enables us to offer a joint PhD program. We are currently working on an event where we can start promoting the MOA and also attracting students. We hope that it will follow a similar format to the event we held for the …
How to get ants to solve a chess problem
February 3, 2014
We have just had a piece published in TheConversation (other posts featuring TheConversation can be seen here). The article looks at a mathematical problem that asks whether a knight can visit every square on a chess board, exactly once, using legal knoight moves. The piece starts “Take a set of chess pieces and throw them …
University of Malaya and University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus Sign Dual PhD MOA
January 27, 2014
On the 24 Jan 2014, the University of Malaya (UM) and the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the two institutions to cooperate on a dual PhD program. This program is a follow up to the recently completed Malaysia Nottingham Doctoral Program (MNDP). This new initiative uses MNDP as …