March 20, 2014, by Graham Kendall
UNMC Publications 2014 – thus far
In our irregular review of UNMC’s publication record, below are the Web of Science and Scopus publications that we have recorded for 2014.
Thank you to all those that have helped us make such a good start to 2014. Hopefully there are a lot more in the pipeline.
As part of trying to streamline the MyRA data collection we will be working on this data over the next few weeks so please be prepared to let us have a copy of the paper and (perhaps) answer any other queries.
Web of Science (25 records)
Abdullah S, Sabar NR, Nazri MZA and Ayob M ({2014}), “An Exponential Monte-Carlo algorithm for feature selection problems”, COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING., JAN, {2014}. Vol. {67}, pp. {160-167}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Abuhamdah A, Ayob M, Kendall G and Sabar NR ({2014}), “Population based Local Search for university course timetabling problems”, APPLIED INTELLIGENCE., JAN, {2014}. Vol. {40}({1}), pp. {44-53}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Ali A, Ong MK and Forney CF ({2014}), “Effect of ozone pre-conditioning on quality and antioxidant capacity of papaya fruit during ambient storage”, FOOD CHEMISTRY., JAN 1, {2014}. Vol. {142}, pp. {19-26}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Ashfold MJ, Harris NRP, Manning AJ, Robinson AD, Warwick NJ and Pyle JA ({2014}), “Estimates of tropical bromoform emissions using an inversion method”, ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. Vol. {14}({2}), pp. {979-994}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Banks SR, Pygall SR, Bajwa GS, Doughty SW, Timmins P and Melia CD ({2014}), “The influence of substituted phenols on the sol:gel transition of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) aqueous solutions”, CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS., JAN 30, {2014}. Vol. {101}, pp. {1198-1204}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Davies GJ, Kendall G, Soane E, Li J, Rocks SA, Jude SR and Pollard SJT ({2014}), “Regulators as agents: Modelling personality and power as evidence is brokered to support decisions on environmental risk”, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT., JAN 1, {2014}. Vol. {466}, pp. {74-83}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Farahbakhsh A, Mosalanejad M, Moradi G and Mohanna S ({2014}), “Using polygonal defect in ground structure to reduce mutual coupling in microstrip array antenna”, JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND APPLICATIONS., JAN 22, {2014}. Vol. {28}({2}), pp. {194-201}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Haavio M, Mendicino C and Punzi MT ({2014}), “Financial and economic downturns in OECD countries”, APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS., APR 13, {2014}. Vol. {21}({6}), pp. {407-412}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Hassan LH, Moghavvemi M, Almurib HAF, Muttaqi KM and Ganapathy VG ({2014}), “Optimization of power system stabilizers using participation factor and genetic algorithm”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS., FEB, {2014}. Vol. {55}, pp. {668-679}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
He Y-J, Zhang Y, Ma Z-F, Sahinidis NV, Tan RR and Foo DCY ({2014}), “Optimal Source-Sink Matching in Carbon Capture and Storage Systems under Uncertainty”, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH., JAN 15, {2014}. Vol. {53}({2}), pp. {778-785}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Islahudin F, Tindall SM, Mellor IR, Swift K, Christensen HEM, Fone KCF, Pleass RJ, Ting K-N and Avery SV ({2014}), “The antimalarial drug quinine interferes with serotonin biosynthesis and action”, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS., JAN 9, {2014}. Vol. {4}[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Kendall G ({2014}), “Evolutionary Computation in the Real World: Successes and Challenges”, In KNOWLEDGE AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (KSE 2013), VOL 2. Vol. {245}, pp. {5}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Lau EV, Gan S, Ng HK and Poh PE ({2014}), “Extraction agents for the removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from soil in soil washing technologies”, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION., JAN, {2014}. Vol. {184}({SI}), pp. {640-649}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Mohammed RR and Chong MF ({2014}), “Treatment and decolorization of biologically treated Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) using banana peel as novel biosorbent”, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT., JAN, {2014}. Vol. {132}, pp. {237-249}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Ong CE, Pan Y, Abd-Rashid BA, Ismail Z, Ismail R and Mak JW ({2014}), “STUDIES OF IN VITRO MODULATORY EFFECT OF LABISIA PUMILA ON CYP1A2, CYP2A6 AND CYP3A4”, DRUG METABOLISM REVIEWS., JAN, {2014}. Vol. {45}({1}), pp. {82}.[BibTeX] |
Ooi REH, Foo DCY and Tan RR ({2014}), “Targeting for carbon sequestration retrofit planning in the power generation sector for multi-period problems”, APPLIED ENERGY., JAN, {2014}. Vol. {113}({SI}), pp. {477-487}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Parinduri RA and Riyanto YE ({2014}), “Bank Ownership and Efficiency in the Aftermath of Financial Crises: Evidence from Indonesia”, REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS., FEB, {2014}. Vol. {18}({1}), pp. {93-106}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Stephen ID and Perera AT-M ({2014}), “Judging the Difference between Attractiveness and Health: Does Exposure to Model Images Influence the Judgments Made by Men and Women?”, PLOS ONE., JAN 20, {2014}. Vol. {9}({1})[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Tan YL, Ng DKS, El-Halwagi MM, Foo DCY and Samyudia Y ({2014}), “Floating pinch method for utility targeting in heat exchanger network (HEN)”, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN., JAN, {2014}. Vol. {92}({1}), pp. {119-126}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Teh SH and Nassirharand A ({2014}), “Design of Dual-Range Linear Multivariable Controllers for Nonlinear Systems with Application to UAV Control”, JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING., MAR 1, {2014}. Vol. {27}({2}), pp. {215-224}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Tey JY, Ramli R, Kheng CW, Chong SY and Abidin MAZ ({2014}), “Identification of vehicle suspension parameters by design optimization”, ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION., MAY 4, {2014}. Vol. {46}({5}), pp. {669-686}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Webb JF ({2014}), “Third Harmonic Generation in Antiferroelectric Crystals Applied to the Generation of Terahertz Waves from a Microwave Input”, FERROELECTRICS., JAN 3, {2014}. Vol. {459}({1}), pp. {63-67}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Wiart C ({2014}), “A note on Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Stokes) F.A. Barkley”, FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY., FEB, {2014}. Vol. {64}, pp. {410}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Wong TW, Ashikin WHNS and Law CL ({2014}), “Evaporation and Diffusion Transport Properties and Mechanical Properties of Alginate Dried Film”, DRYING TECHNOLOGY., JAN 2, {2014}. Vol. {32}({1}), pp. {117-125}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Scopus (27 records)
Abuhamdah A, Ayob M, Kendall G and Sabar N (2014), “Population based Local Search for university course timetabling problems”, Applied Intelligence. Vol. 40(1), pp. 44-53.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Ali A, Ong M and Forney C (2014), “Effect of ozone pre-conditioning on quality and antioxidant capacity of papaya fruit during ambient storage”, Food Chemistry. Vol. 142, pp. 19-26.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Al Shareef I, Sparkes D and Azam-Ali S (2014), “Temperature and drought stress effects on growth and development of bambara groundnut (Vigna Subterranea L.)”, Experimental Agriculture. Vol. 50(1), pp. 72-89.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Antal T, Chong C, Law C and Sikolya L (2014), “Effects of freeze drying on retention of essential oils, changes in glandular trichomes of lemon balm leaves”, International Food Research Journal. Vol. 21(1), pp. 387-394.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Chee C, Nadarajah K, Siddiqui M and Wong Y (2014), “Optical and structural characterization of solution processed zinc oxide nanorods via hydrothermal method”, Ceramics International.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Chong C, Figiel A, Law C and WojdyÅ‚o A (2014), “Combined Drying of Apple Cubes by Using of Heat Pump, Vacuum-Microwave, and Intermittent Techniques”, Food and Bioprocess Technology. Vol. 7(4), pp. 975-989.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Dabalen A and Paul S (2014), “Effect of Conflict on Dietary Diversity: Evidence from CÔte d’Ivoire”, World Development. Vol. 58, pp. 143-158.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Davies G, Kendall G, Soane E, Li J, Rocks S, Jude S and Pollard S (2014), “Regulators as agents: Modelling personality and power as evidence is brokered to support decisions on environmental risk”, Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 466-467, pp. 74-83.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Hassan L, Moghavvemi M, Almurib H, Muttaqi K and Ganapathy V (2014), “Optimization of power system stabilizers using participation factor and genetic algorithm”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. Vol. 55, pp. 668-679.[BibTeX] [URL] |
He Y-J, Zhang Y, Ma Z-F, Sahinidis N, Tan R and Foo D (2014), “Optimal source-sink matching in carbon capture and storage systems under uncertainty”, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 53(2), pp. 778-785.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Hii C and Ogugo J (2014), “Effect of pre-treatment on the drying kinetics and product quality of star fruit slices”, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. Vol. 9(1), pp. 122-134.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Hotta K, Keegan R, Ranganathan S, Fang M, Bibby J, Winn M, Sato M, Lian M, Watanabe K, Rigden D and Kim C-Y (2014), “Conversion of a disulfide bond into a thioacetal group during echinomycin biosynthesis”, Angewandte Chemie – International Edition. Vol. 53(3), pp. 824-828.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Islahudin F, Tindall S, Mellor I, Swift K, Christensen H, Fone K, Pleass R, Ting K-N and Avery S (2014), “The antimalarial drug quinine interferes with serotonin biosynthesis and action”, Scientific Reports. Vol. 4[BibTeX] [URL] |
Kasivisvanathan H, Ubando A, Ng D and Tan R (2014), “Robust optimization for process synthesis and design of multifunctional energy systems with uncertainties”, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 53(8), pp. 3196-3209.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Khan M, Rajkumar R, Rajkumar R and Aravind C (2014), “Optimization of multi-pole permanent magnet synchronous generator based 8 blade magnetically levitated variable pitch low speed vertical axis wind turbine”, Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol. 492, pp. 113-117.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Lam L and Paul S (2014), “Corrigendum to ‘Displacement and erosion of informal risk-sharing: Evidence from Nepal’ [World Development 43 (2013) 42-55]”, World Development. Vol. 54, pp. 375.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Liew W, Hassim M and Ng D (2014), “Review of evolution, technology and sustainability assessments of biofuel production”, Journal of Cleaner Production.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Malekmohammadi A and Elsherif M (2014), “A novel multilevel coding technique for high speed optical fiber communication systems”, Optik. Vol. 125(2), pp. 639-643.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Mohammed R and Chong M (2014), “Treatment and decolorization of biologically treated Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) using banana peel as novel biosorbent”, Journal of Environmental Management. Vol. 132, pp. 237-249.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Ng W, Lam H, Varbanov P and KlemeÅ¡ J (2014), “Waste-to-Energy (WTE) network synthesis for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)”, Energy Conversion and Management.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Ooi R, Foo D and Tan R (2014), “Targeting for carbon sequestration retrofit planning in the power generation sector for multi-period problems”, Applied Energy. Vol. 113, pp. 477-487.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Parinduri R and Riyanto Y (2014), “Bank Ownership and Efficiency in the Aftermath of Financial Crises: Evidence from Indonesia”, Review of Development Economics. Vol. 18(1), pp. 93-106.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Tan Y, Ng D, El-Halwagi M, Foo D and Samyudia Y (2014), “Floating pinch method for utility targeting in heat exchanger network (HEN)”, Chemical Engineering Research and Design. Vol. 92(1), pp. 119-126.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Tan Y, Ng D, Foo D, El-Halwagi M and Samyudia Y (2014), “Heat integrated resource conservation networks without mixing prior to heat exchanger networks”, Journal of Cleaner Production.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Teh S and Nassirharand A (2014), “Design of dual-range linear multivariable controllers for nonlinear systems with application to UAV control”, Journal of Aerospace Engineering. Vol. 27(2), pp. 215-224.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Wiart C (2014), “A note on Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers ex Hook. f. & Thomson and its relevance to treat diabetes mellitus”, Journal of Functional Foods.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Wiart C (2014), “A note on Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Stokes) F.A. Barkley”, Food and Chemical Toxicology. Vol. 64, pp. 410.[BibTeX] [URL] |
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