Author Post Archive
Graham Kendall

Graham Kendall

Vice-Provost (Resaerch and Knowledge Transfer),

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Posts by Graham Kendall

Periodic Table of Videos (Helium – 2 – He)

In this series, we are presenting videos from the Periodic Table of Videos (Web Site / YouTube) project. This project shows a short video about each of the chemical elements. The video below looks at Helium, which has an atomic number of 2 and the symbol He. Previous blog entries on this topic can be …

Research Priorities Workshop – 1

As part of the process of reviewing the research priorities across the University (not just at UNMC), we are holding two workshops (they are the same format, but we are holding two to accommodate all the people that wanted to attend). The first was held earlier this week (24th April 2013). Ten people attended, with …

EU Bulletin – Apr 2013

Dear all, Please find attached (EuroBulletin Issue 65) the EU Bulletin (Issue 65, 17 Apr 2013) from the European Union Delegation to Malaysia. Some of the latest news/events in this issue: EU and Vietnam hold second round of high-level political consultations; Internal security: What progress has been made?; Climate action: European commission engages industry to …

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Asian higher education revolution a long way off

“The Times Higher Education Asian University Rankings are out. Since they are based on data already gathered for the 2012 World University Rankings, there are no surprises in the top 57 that were already included in the world’s top 400 universities. There are, however, some interesting things in the bottom 43….” … so starts the …

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Christine Ennew ushers in new era in Malaysia

Many of you will have seen this video through various outlets but, if not, take a look. Research and Knowledge Transfer features quite a lot in this video marking our new Provost taking up her post in Malaysia.

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Dr Joanne Lim appointed as visiting senior research fellow at the National University of Singapore

Assistant Professor Dr Joanne Lim has been appointed as visiting senior research fellow at the National University of Singapore. The three-month fellowship will commence in October this year. Joanne will join the university’s Asia Research Institute’s Cultural Studies Research Cluster led by Professor Chua Beng Huat. Currently leading a Ministry of Higher Education Fundamental Research …

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What’s happening elsewhere?

Just in case you missed them, here are a few blog posts we found interesting over the past couple of days. From the Press Office, here are a round up of some interesting news items. From Knowledge Witout Borders, there is a post entitled Supervising up an international Masters project – a Malaysia perspective. From …

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20th JPA-BMCC launch

On the 5 April 2013, the 20th JPA-BMCC was launched. As well as being the 20th anniversary of this initiative, the British Malaysia Chamber of Commerce (BMCC) are also celebrating their 50th anniversary and I am sure that everybody at UNMC will join me in offering them our congratualations on this important milestone. The JPA-BMCC …

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Writing Teaching Case Studies

I am often involved in converastions about teaching and how to publish in the educational journals, with a view of adding to one’s CV, getting promoted, disseminating good teaching practise, carrying out research in this area etc. I recently came across an interesting web site that has a short series of articles on writing up …

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Bloggers Wanted

This blog has now posted over 150 posts. We try to post one a day, well one every working day. This means we need to publish around 250 posts a year (althiugh we could go to one EVERY day, which means looking for 365/6 each year). We are also conscious that as the blog is …

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