Author Post Archive
Graham Kendall

Graham Kendall

Vice-Provost (Resaerch and Knowledge Transfer),

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Posts by Graham Kendall


EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion is unique European initiative providing access to a complete range of information and support services to researchers wishing to pursue their research careers in Europe or stay connected to it (to quote from their web site). I have only just found this web site but it provides a wealth of …

Academic Ranking of World Universities 2013 released

“The long-heralded shift of global academic power towards Asia appears to be happening at a glacial pace, if at all, according to this year’s Shanghai Jiao Tong university rankings.” So starts the THES article (15 Aug 2013). The full list of rankings from the Academic Ranking of World Universities can be seen here. It is …

250 Posts and Counting

Since launching this blog in October 2012, we passed the 100th post on the 23rd January 2013 and we are now pleased to report that this post marks the 250th post. As we said, when we marked to 100th post, when the blog was started we were a little worried that we would not have …

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What is Food and Bioproduct Processing Research?

In this What is? series, we invite experienced researchers to write about their area of research, but in more general terms than they might normally do. This article, entitled What is Pharmaceutical Nanoemulsion?, is written by Prof. Chung Lim Law If you would like to contribute, then please let me know ( and we can …

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RI Christmas Lectures

If you are not familiar with the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures (or even if you are) you might be interested in their Christmas Lectures web site. Each year, a renowned scientist is invited to present a series of lectures. They are mainly aimed at children but they are a fascinating way to get to know …

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Seeking Researcher Profiles

As this blog matures, we are starting to spread the word beyond just UNMC. We have recently been featured on the University’s Press Release blog and we regularly email posts to our colleagues in the UK and China about posts which might be of interest to them. In addition, the blog is now recognised as …

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Computing and the Law: Patent Monetization

Computing and the Law is a very nice series of podcasts from the IEEE Computer Society, which looks at various legal issues. Specifically, the podcasts are delivered by Computer, the flagship publication of the IEEE Computer Society. The podcasts are USA centric and tend to (not surprisingly) focus on computing, but I think they are broad …

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Dates for your Diary

The second half of 2013 seems to buidling to a very busy time. I thought it might be useful to note some of the dates that I have in my diary. I’d be happy to update this post (or do a new post) if I have missed anything. 15 Aug 2013: Closing date for FRGS …

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Please Check your Publications!!!!

Following the post we did last week, which gave the current status of our ISI/Scopus publications in 2013, I was contacted by a member of staff asking why their paper was not showing. My immediate thought was that the paper in question was not an ISI and/or Scopus indexed journal. A quick search would easily …

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Impact Factor Distortions

If you follow the debate on the problems on automated research metrics, you might be interested in this piece from It makes a strong argument that evaluating individuals using the impact factor of a journal is, at best, wrong and, at worst, restricts the scientific process.  

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