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Tis the season to be jolly…

And curl up on the couch… As you take a break from classes, UoN libraries have a great collection of seasonal films and TV you can enjoy from home! In our libraries we have DVD copies of some Christmas classics such as: Frank Capra’s 1946 It’s a Wonderful Life (Hallward Short loan DVD PN1997.F727), a …

When out of Rome… or Nottingham!: Using other libraries during Vacations

Welcome to Library Hacks. This is the first in a series of blogs looking at some of the useful Library services you may not be familiar with.  Keep an eye out for #LibraryHacks on Twitter to keep up-to-date. When you’re tired of catching up with friends and family back home and feel the urgent need …

Welcome to your libraries PGRs

A very warm welcome to all our PGRs from the University of Nottingham libraries. The library service is here to help you to do well in your research, this blog post will highlight some of the useful services and resources to support your research needs. The library website, Twitter and Blog the library’s website contains up-to-date …

BrowZine, a new journal browsing service

From this week, BrowZine is available for you to browse and read journals quickly and easily, helping you to stay current with your favourite titles and across subject areas.   You can find out more from the “NUSearch features”on NUSearch, and take a look at “Be Inspired with BrowZine”. You’ll find it particularly useful to read …

Library Customer Survey 23 November to 7 December 2015

Our annual library customer survey will run from 23 November – 7 December 2015 and we would really like to hear from you. With over 2.2 million visits to our 8 libraries every year we know we are popular but without your feedback we cannot improve our service, or make your experience better. Our survey …

Available now, America’s Historical Government Publications

For one month only, we have trial access to America’s Historical Government Publications from Readex, a division of NewsBank, inc. Until the 18th December 2015, you can access this historical collection of books, pamphlets, broadsides, newspapers, government documents and ephemera printed in America over three centuries: • American State Papers, 1789-1838 Legislative and executive documents, …

5 reasons to love Greenfield Medical Library!

Welcome to Greenfield Medical Library, otherwise known as GML! Although we cannot compete with a cinema or a concert hall…. out of all of our 6 libraries we have the longest opening hours during the week.   There’s a piano just outside the library under an impressive winding staircase. Come and bash out a tune! …

Pravda and Izvestiia Digital Archives now available

We’re delighted to announce – in Russian! –  that the library recently purchased the Pravda Digital Archive (1912-2014) and Izvestiia Digital Archive (1917-2014): Галлвардская Библиотека Ноттингемского университета сообщает, что она приобрела полные цифровые архивы двух главных советских газет: “Правда” и “Известия”. Электронный архив “Правды”, официального органа коммунистической партии, содержит все номера от 1912 до конца 2014. …

Second year students get their own online course

Your University Journey Year 2, an online course for students transitioning into their second year at Nottingham, is now open for enrolment. Two current open online courses (NOOCs) are still running.  Your University Journey, for new students – foundation and Year 1 on all campuses – is now reaching the end of its second week, …

On Course for your Masters?

Libraries, Research and Learning Resources have developed an online course for all taught postgraduate students. ‘On Course for Your Masters’ guides you through your transition into postgraduate study in regard to using information and resources to support your research. The course is online so you can use it at your own pace, and it is …