Looking for study space?
March 15, 2022
Whatever your needs, our libraries have a place for you. From silent study rooms to spaces for working with friends, there’s something for everyone across our libraries and Study here spaces. If you have questions, ask any member of Library staff or contact us by Live Chat, email or phone. Booking study space Our libraries …
Discover our collections: responding to a changing climate
June 3, 2021
The University of Nottingham is committed to environmental sustainability and is seen as a global leader in driving forward the environmental agenda. In this blog, we introduce resources from our library collections to help you better understand the issues and discover actions you can take. Books and Journals Staff, students and researchers can access a wide range of books and journals related to climate change and environmentalism topics in our physical and online …
Welcome to Libraries
September 23, 2019
Welcome to University of Nottingham Libraries. Whether you’re a new or returning student, here’s some hints and tips to help you make the most of your library services. Your student essentials Not sure where to start? Pop in to any library to pick up a guide to Libraries and IT Services or visit our welcome …
Libraries are changing: A new way to borrow books
March 15, 2019
In April, University of Nottingham Libraries will be making changes to our library system. This is part of a major project to improve student experience. Some of this is about updating the way we lend books so that it’s more in line with what students tell us they want. It’s all about: Simplifying our processes …
Libraries photo competition: The winners!
July 5, 2018
In May 2018 we set you the challenge of capturing, in photographic form, something you love about our libraries. Over 150 of you took up the challenge and entered our Libraries photo competition. The judging process was extremely tough. On the plus side, we were inundated with loads of truly wonderful images of our library …
#lovelibraries Photo Competition
April 18, 2018
Share your images of our libraries with us and you could win one of three prizes (1st prize £50, 2nd prize £30, 3rd prize £20), plus the chance to get your photo displayed in one of our libraries. University of Nottingham Libraries and the Students’ Union have teamed up to run a photo competition. We’re …
What would you want from a new Jubilee Library?
November 16, 2017
A new Library space to replace our two existing libraries has been proposed as part of developments at Jubilee Campus. We want to ensure that any new library meets the needs of the people who will be using it – our students and staff. So, we’ve come up with a very short survey to find out …
University of Nottingham Library Research Week Symposium
April 11, 2016
Between 29 February and 4 March 2016, Libraries, Research and Learning Resources (LRLR) hosted Library Research Week. The highlight of the week was the first ever Library Research Week Symposium, held on Wednesday 2 March. The excellent line up of speakers included Professor Dame Jessica Corner DBE Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange, and representatives …
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