May 18, 2020, by Emma
Updates to NUsearch – May 2020
We have updated our online library discovery tool, NUsearch to make it easier to find and access online resources.
With most of us working off-campus at the minute, we want to make it as easy as possible for staff, students and researchers to search for, and access, our online resources.
Full details of the upgrade and instructions for the new features are available in the May 2020 release notes (PDF).
Accessing online resources
New open access sources
We’ve added 34 new open access sources, allowing you to search at article/chapter level across more sources to find freely available material.
The new sources include:
– Institutional repositories – eighteen universities, NARCIS (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences) and World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
– Subject/discipline collections – Biodiversity Heritage Library, OpenEdition Open Access books (humanities and social sciences), American Memory, Linda Hall Digital Library, and EconPapers (RePEc)
– Publisher collections – Karger, University of Michigan Press and Wageningen Academic Publishers
– Regional collections – Norwegian Open Research Archives, African Journals Open Access, Central and Eastern European Online Library eBooks, BRAGE (Norway), and theses.fr (France)
A full list of the new sources added is available at the end of the release notes (PDF).
Links to open access articles
We have added two new links to help with the discovery of open access articles.
These links use Unpaywall, a free and non-profit service which harvests open access articles with DOIs from reputable services and platforms such as Crossref and DOAJ. The new links will only appear for articles which have a DOI in their record.
– For articles with online access, you will see an extra link to an open access version in the ‘Available online’ section
– For articles with no online access, you will see an option to check for an open access version. Please note: there is no guarantee an open access version will be found, and you may be directed to content that is not freely available.
New download PDF link
Looking for an article? You can now download the full text PDF directly from the record in NUsearch.
The blue Download PDF link shows under the title details next to the Available online link.
A direct link will be available for all journals in Browzine which also have a DOI in the article record.
Recommended resources
Our new resource recommender highlights collections, databases and library services that might be relevant to your search. Recommended resources will appear at the top of the search results window when available.
Search tools and filters
We have made a number of improvements to the filters in NUsearch, including:
– re-ordering filters to show the most popular at the top of the list
– new Subject filter to consolidate the Topic and MeSH filters. This filter includes the Library of Congress, MeSH and East Midlands Collection subject headings together in one place.
– changes to the Collections filter to make it easier to filter to just local UoN Collections. The Source option contains all other online sources, such as open access collections, publisher collections etc.
Remember your filters
We have made it quicker and easier for you to ‘remember’ multiple filters in NUsearch.
By locking your chosen filters, all searches in a particular session will automatically have your selected filters applied. This is particularly useful when carrying out repeated searches for online resources.
How to lock multiple filters in a search session:
1. Perform a search and filter your results by selecting one or more filters. The selected filters show under Active filters.
2. Click the new Remember all filters option to lock your active filters. The filters will change to yellow and will display a padlock symbol.
The Reset Filters option clears all filters, including locked filters.
Yewno Discover
We have added a link from the NUsearch homepage to the next-generation online research tool, Yewno Discover.
Yewno adds a new, experimental dimension to search by using artificial intelligence to map links between concepts.
We are currently trialling Yewno and encourage researchers to give the visual search interface a try and let us know your feedback.
Find out more about Yewno Discover
Other improvements
Download the May 2020 release notes (PDF) for full details and instructions.
Links between related records
This new feature provides links between associated book records, making it easy for you to discover book chapters and book reviews for a book title you have found.
When you view the full record details, where there are related records one or more links will be displayed under the title details as follows:
- Chapters of this book
- Book reviews
Sort order for multiple versions
NUsearch groups together different versions of a work into a group to make it easier to find them.
We have updated the sort order of these groups so that by default, the version most relevant to your search terms is shown at the top rather than sorting by publication date.
Browsing databases by subject
When browsing databases by subject in the Find databases search, any subcategories such as Key resources are now displayed by default.
My Library Card
We have fixed the counter for previous loans history in My Library Card which was incorrect.
We want your feedback
We hope you like the improvements we have made to NUsearch. If you have any questions or feedback our library staff are always on hand to help or you can:
– Email us at library.helpline@nottingham.ac.uk
– Call us on 0115 951 6393
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