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Challenging perceptions that a PhD is not real work

By Rebecca Bull, final year PhD student in the School of Sociology and Social Policy studying post-sentence discrimination faced by people with criminal records. When are you going to get a real job? Are you going to be a student for life? Is it nice not having to worry about working? These are all accusations …

I Don’t Want To Stay in Academia…What Now?

By Hiba Azim, PhD researcher An increasing number of postgraduate students are choosing to take their skills elsewhere and not pursue academia after they graduate. However, transitioning out of academia can be a daunting task, and it may be challenging to determine how to make your CV appealing to other job types. The truth is …

The Graduate Jobs Fair – it’s for PhDs too!

By Clare Jones, Senior Careers Adviser (Research Staff and PhDs) Discover what a career outside academia has to offer and how your specialist knowledge and skills can be applied in a range of areas. Whether you are at the beginning, or nearing the end of your PhD, visiting the Graduate Jobs Fair is an opportunity for …