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Studying for a PhD – challenges and opportunities

Maya Sharma, PhD Psychology Image by Džoko Stach from Pixabay Hello! My name is Maya and I have an undergraduate psychology degree, and I am currently completing my first year of a Doctorate in Forensic Psychology. I want to share my experience of choosing to study a PhD and what it’s been like so far. Upon completing my …

Alternative Careers to Clinical Psychology – If Not Clinical Psychology, Then What?

Julia Szacilo, BSc Psychology graduate (2017) If you are anything like me, then you chose to study psychology because it is a fascinating subject, but sooner or later the question comes around of what to do career-wise after graduating. Although many psychology graduates will go onto jobs that are not related to psychology, after all, …

How I Applied to IAPT Training

By, Kat Wheatley, BSc Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience graduate (2020) IAPT… PWP… What does it all mean?! Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) is an NHS initiative that helps people with common mental health difficulties access talking therapies. If you’re planning to start a career in IAPT, chances are you will be applying for a …