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What can you gain from attending events and lectures held by guest speakers?

By Josephine Ruffles, Politics and American Studies student Since being at university I have attended 10 extra lectures and seminars hosted by external figures. I have been fortunate to meet influential figures, multiple visiting professors with an abundance of knowledge, and connect and network with multiple alumni in areas ranging from local government to the …

How to use LinkedIn to your advantage as a politics student

By Josie Ruffles, politics student. You may have been asked the question, ‘What will you do with that degree?’ or thought to yourself, ‘Where does this lead to?’. Politics and American Studies, or any degree related to politics or humanities, helps you develop skills that can take you into any industry. I took the degree …

Using your revision to generate career ideas

How do you revise? Thinking about how you work can be a useful way to generate ideas about the kind of environment you’d like to go into after leaving Nottingham. We explore careers that might suit the common types of reviser that emerge in the lead up to exams. The negotiator Without your input, group …