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How Not to Be the Perfect Intern

By Anna White, Placement Projects Officer A couple of years after I graduated, I was looking to change direction so took a short-term internship with an IT start-up. I was 23, newly back from having a baby and trying to escape a job I hated. I felt the stakes were sky high, so I put …

“I Want to Gain Experience”

By Alex Owusu, Employability Officer Gaining work experience can be a vital tool in helping you develop transferrable skills, gain exposure to an industry or role and secure future job opportunities. Before starting your search, it’s important to consider a few different questions to aid your decision making. Why do I want to gain experience? …

My Virtual Internship Experience With Bright Network

By Anna McConachie, English student blogger   Something I’ve been told countless times on my career journey is the value of internships, placements and work experience. However, the uncertainty of the pandemic means finding and securing internships seems more daunting than ever. Luckily, the Bright Network offers a range of online internship experiences to help …

My Placement as a Website Content Creator

By Saffron Dusanjh, School of Economics The faculty’s one day a week placement programme stood out to me as an excellent opportunity to gain skills in organising my time and balancing responsibilities alongside my studies. In addition, I thought it would be a useful chance to become more comfortable with interview processes. The application I …

Virtual Careers Fairs: The Ultimate Guide

By Katy Skillen, MNutr Nutrition and Dietetics, student blogger So, you’ve got to grips with lectures from home, societies from home, and catching up with friends… from home. But how about discovering your next job from home? Well, that is exactly what a virtual careers fair aims to help you do! Having attended the virtual …

Our Guide To Finding Work Experience

Work experience can help you to stand out within the job market. The companies that you will want to work with, will most likely expect you to have some work experience under your belt. Work experience can complement your academic studies as it shows an employer that you can learn outside of a University setting. …

My Internship With the Civil Service (Part 2)

By Benedict Watson, student blogger Part one of this blog detailed the run-up and first two weeks of my summer internship with the Civil Service. Find out how my internship has progressed and what I have learned since…  What I’ve been doing Having presented my findings on the sheep meat market to my team, I …

My Internship With the Civil Service (Part 1)

By, Benedict Watson – Student Having passed through strenuous online tests and a telephone interview, I was delighted to find out in March that I had been accepted onto the Civil Service Summer Diversity Internship Programme (SDIP)! The Civil Service has been an area of interest for me for a while now, so I was …

Hospital Placement: The Ultimate Run Down

By Katy Skillen, third-year MNutr Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Student I have just completed my first month of placement in an NHS hospital. If you study a healthcare degree, like medicine or nursing, you will likely have some placement within the NHS. This is an exciting and enlightening experience, and you gain so much …

Virtual Placement: Here’s What I’ve Learned

By Katy Skillen, third-year Master of Nutrition and Dietetics student  As part of my degree, I’ve just completed three weeks of a virtual placement, before starting in-person at a hospital this week. I wasn’t sure what to expect from a virtual placement, but it was actually a really interesting learning experience! So, here are some …