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Keep your career planning moving forward

By Debra Henson, Senior Careers Advisor Everything is on hold, but it will eventually pass. If you are fit and well and socially distancing, there are things you can do that will not only keep you occupied, but could keep your career planning ticking over and your CV moving forward, even when everything else is …

Responding to that dreaded question…

By Katy Skillen, MNutr Nutrition and Dietetics student blogger We all have experienced this, talking to friends, family or even strangers about university and being faced with one of the most stressful questions. “So, what about after graduation?” This question always freaks me out. I’m in my second year of a four-year course and have …

How to boost a creative writing application

By Annie Brown, MA Creative Writing student blogger To write or not to write: isn’t that always the question? When I first wrote my application for my MA in Creative Writing at the University of Nottingham, I realised it was severely lacking. My ‘passion’ for my subject was not reflected in my real-life experiences. I …

Why Volunteering Should Be The Next Thing You Do

By Andrew Hunter, first year mathematics and economics student blogger It is becoming increasingly more difficult to attain valuable work experience with well-known firms in your chosen industry of work. That’s why volunteering is important as it can play such a big part in standing out from the crowd, helping you to succeed in applications …

What if I don’t want to be an investment banker?

By Alex Owusu, Employability Officer Are you an economics or business student? Have you come to the conclusion that investment banking just isn’t for you? So what do you do now? With so many career options available, it’s important to remember that just because a particular role or sector is a popular choice for your …

5 Job Hunting Tips For Graduates With A Disability

By Christian Jameson-Warren, Employability Education Projects Officer   1. Be clear about the possible implications of your disability in the workplace Managing a disability or health condition in employment may require thinking about strengths and challenges in a different way to at university. Employers have a legal responsibility to make reasonable adjustments so that a …

‘Oh You’ve Just Started University? What Do You Want To Do When You Graduate?’

By Jennifer Balloch, Employability Officer Picture this. You’re in your first year and you’re already getting questions about what you want to do when you graduate. How do you respond? Have you thought about it? Should you be thinking about it this early? Is anyone else thinking about what they want to do? Enter, the …

How To Find A Job In Another Country If You Don’t Have Much Time

By Christian Jameson-Warren, Employability Projects Officer Trying to find a good job in a different country can be difficult, especially if you have limits on your time and energy due to studying commitments. 1. Be clear about what sort of job you want If you are making a big decision to work in another country, …

Your Careers and Employability Service – what we do and how to make the most of us

By Abigail Rowse, Employability Officer What first comes to your mind when you think about the careers advice you got at school? For me, I remember half an hour in a room talking to a stranger about my vague plans to teach, and a lesson with the whole class where we role-played different careers. I was a …

Why I Decided to Study a Masters

By Julia Cox, MPH Public Health (Global Health) Diverse and emerging global public health challenges are of great interest to me and led me to enrol in the Master of Public Health (Global Health) at the University of Nottingham.   Expanding my career options Completing this course widens the number and range of prospective career and educational opportunities. The course offers high-quality lectures and workshops delivered by University …