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Being a Social Secretary and What I Learned

By Annie Brown, MA Creative Writing student blogger Being part of a committee while at university can be a great experience. Last year I accepted the role of social secretary for the English committee. This role gave me many great opportunities and the skills I learned has boosted my CV enormously. Here is what I …

Second Thoughts About a Professional Degree? Here to Help!

By Abigail Rowse, Employability Officer There are a range of professional courses on offer at Nottingham, from medicine and health sciences to social work, law, and teaching. These degrees are designed to help students prepare for a particular vocation, as well as develop graduate-level skills. If you are studying one of these degree subjects but …

Is Covid-19 Changing Your Career Plans?

By Katy Skillen, third year MNutr Master of Nutrition and Dietetics student Well, if there is one thing we have learnt in the past year, it is that change is inevitable. Maybe you had a clear plan regarding how your career is going to evolve and now that’s all been changed due to Covid-19. In …

A PhD or Industry?

By Joseph George Walters, PhD Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy How would you even begin to know if a PhD was right for you? Testing the waters of both working in industry and academic research helped me to decide. An Uncertain Future As a second-year undergraduate, I was not sure what to do after my …

Teach First Q&A: The Teaching Experience

By Annie Brown, MA Creative Writing student blogger Applying for graduate schemes can be difficult, especially when you’re not quite sure what to expect. After working as a counsellor at a summer camp, I considered the idea of teaching. I wanted to know more about this possible career path. So, I sat down with my …

Every job is an opportunity to improve your skills

By Hayley Johnson, MSci Biology alumnae “I think the best advice I had was to remember that you don’t have to secure your dream job right away.” How did you find your first role and what did the recruitment process involve? My first role upon graduating was working for a market research company. I worked …

Connect to a world of expertise with Career Mentoring

Career Mentoring offers you the opportunity to be supported with your career goals by a member of our alumni community. Hear from past mentees about their Career Mentoring experience. “I’m so pleased I took part.” Anisha Johal, MA English Literature  My mentor, Keith, had completed a PhD at Nottingham in film and had a film consultation …

Teach First: The Taster Experience

By Katy Skillen, MNutr Nutrition and Dietetics, second year student blogger Two full days on Zoom? Yes, it is as exhausting as it sounds. But that was exactly what I signed up for when I enrolled in Teach First’s Taster Programme. Teach First is a UK charity that aims to tackle education inequality in the …

Working in Sales: What I Learned

By Annie Brown, MA Creative Writing student blogger To support my masters degree, I got a part-time job in sales. Sales was a career area I had always been interested in, and I have learned a lot from the experience. Here are the top five things I learned: Representing the brand You are responsible for …

Five blogs to start writing during quarantine

By Annie Brown, MA Creative Writing student blogger So, you want to be a writer? With everyone stuck at home, now is the perfect time for you to get those creative juices flowing and produce your own blog. Crafting and maintaining your own online blog looks great on your CV as examples of taking initiative …