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My experience at an in-person assessment centre

Rania Monasch, geography student In January I applied for a graduate role at Verian Group, an independent research, evidence, and communications agency. I was lucky enough to be invited to their assessment centre in-person at their Westminster office, and I wanted to reflect on my experience. Although I wasn’t offered the graduate position, I was …

My group activity assessment centre advice

By Lucy Rayner-Thomas, chemistry student – © Agefis via Unsplash This year I have been applying for my industry placement and have learnt a lot about how to prepare for the processes involved in applying for placements.  One of the companies I applied to, Pfizer, required me to do a group activity assessment centre as …

My Assessment Centre Experience

By Caitlin Aykroyd, Financial Mathematics graduate Have you been invited to an assessment centre? Congratulations! You have made it to the business end of the recruitment process, where many employers make their final selection decisions. Assessment centres are usually made-up of activities designed to assess your suitability for the role. Read on to hear insights …

Assessment Centres – My Experience!

By Leo Dobbin, computer science with a year in industry student An assessment centre can be the daunting final recruitment hurdle, consisting of a full day of activities – often with an interview. Assessment centres can be tough to stand out in. I’d like to share my experience of a successful, albeit troubled, virtual assessment …

What Assessment Centres Involve and How To Navigate Them

By Katie Knowles, MSc Clinical and Molecular Microbiology graduate Before I delve into what assessment centres are like, I want to share some background information on myself. I have a part-time job currently and yet I have never made a CV or had an interview. To prepare for these daunting tasks, I went to the …