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Reflections on My Postgraduate Placement

By Joseph George Walters, PhD Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy Following my successful search, I have come to the end of my six-month postgraduate placement. In this blog, I reflect on the career implications of the placement and whether the experience met my expectations. Engagement with industry The project was instigated by MEMRAP, the campaign …

My Internship With the Civil Service (Part 1)

By, Benedict Watson – Student Having passed through strenuous online tests and a telephone interview, I was delighted to find out in March that I had been accepted onto the Civil Service Summer Diversity Internship Programme (SDIP)! The Civil Service has been an area of interest for me for a while now, so I was …

Hospital Placement: The Ultimate Run Down

By Katy Skillen, third-year MNutr Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Student I have just completed my first month of placement in an NHS hospital. If you study a healthcare degree, like medicine or nursing, you will likely have some placement within the NHS. This is an exciting and enlightening experience, and you gain so much …

3 Tips for Boosting Your Employability Using the Careers Website

By Bryony Adshead, final year English Student and a student ambassador for the Careers and Employability Service Boosting your employability can be hard during the pandemic – many opportunities for work experience have been cancelled, there are fewer part-time jobs on offer, and even the practical experience offered by our courses, such as in-person group …

Virtual Placement: Here’s What I’ve Learned

By Katy Skillen, third-year Master of Nutrition and Dietetics student  As part of my degree, I’ve just completed three weeks of a virtual placement, before starting in-person at a hospital this week. I wasn’t sure what to expect from a virtual placement, but it was actually a really interesting learning experience! So, here are some …

If You Don’t Ask, You Don’t Get

Many University of Nottingham students want to work abroad after they graduate. We asked Luke how he achieved working for Rolls-Royce Deutschland and if he has any key advice to give to students who are keen to work abroad. By Luke Harrison – Thermofluid Systems Engineer, Rolls-Royce Deutschland, and UoN Alumnus During my MEng in …

Your Career Awaits! How To Manage Change

By Susie Ward, Counsellor – University of Nottingham Counselling Service Leaving university and starting working life can come as a bit of a shock. You are not alone in feeling some uncertainty and anxiety about your future. Applaud yourself for navigating your way through a pandemic and graduating in such tough times. Acknowledge these huge …

I Don’t Have a Summer Internship: What Now?

By Rosie Pinder, BA English second year Deadlines are over and the weather is actually (as I write this) hot! It’s summer, and I had planned to be nicely settled into a summer internship by now. But as this past year and a half has shown us, you can never really plan for anything. I …

The University-Affiliated Projects That Can Build Your CV (Part 2)

By Benedict Watson – Student Blogger In part one of this blog post, I drew attention to some of the great University-affiliated schemes which provide you with work experience and opportunities for skill development. These schemes were: • Nottingham Internship Scheme • Course Rep • Summer School Ambassador • Society Committee In part two of …

The New Graduate Immigration Route. What Does This Mean for Me?

By Sarah Allen, Senior Careers Adviser. For international students thinking about staying in the UK after graduation, the new Graduate Immigration Route offers an exciting opportunity. From July 1 2021, international students who successfully complete a Bachelors or Masters level qualification, and have a valid tier 4 / student visa, will be eligible to apply …