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Lauren gives food for thought on getting involved with the community

At Nottingham we’d encourage you to engage as much as possible with the opportunities available to help build your confidence. Whether you’re taking part in extracurricular activities, developing your work experience or volunteering your time, it all counts. There are always projects you can get involved in to improve your skills, and they can be …

What will be your story? Make the most of university

Ask any graduate you come across, time flies by when you’re at university. Before you know it you’ll be wearing a gown and shaking hands with the Vice-Chancellor. That’s far away now, and it’s the here and now that matters, so why not go and explore all the ways to make the most of your …

What’s it like to work in local government? Natalia gives her insights

By Natalia Deane, BA Politics It was at a neighbour’s Christmas party last December when I found out about my placement. I’d just got chatting to one of my neighbours who happened to work at Buckinghamshire County Council and she put me in touch with someone who then arranged an interview. I was drawn to …

Are Internships With SMEs the Way Forward? Megan Thinks So!

By Megan Thomsett, MSci Chemistry I am currently undertaking a summer internship at a small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) within the chemical industry called Reach Separations and before I submitted my application I hadn’t even heard of them! While browsing Twitter, I came across a very thought-provoking article written by a biochemist and science blogger …

Five Last-Minute Ways to Gain Work Experience

Sometimes it seems like everyone but you has got an impressive work placement lined up, whether it’s volunteering in a spectacular location or climbing Kilimanjaro.  Just because you haven’t got anything lined up for summer yet, it doesn’t mean that you’ve missed all the opportunities to get involved with projects and develop the skills employers …

From the lecture theatre to the stage: Tom’s arts administration experience

By Tom Barnes, BA English Studies and Latin (2012), MA International Security and Terrorism (2013),  Arts Administration Intern at Lakeside Arts Centre  Discovering the opportunity Last February, I was given the opportunity to begin an arts administration internship at Lakeside Arts Centre. Like many graduates, I wasn’t sure what career path I wanted to take. …

How to Make the Most out of Your Internship

Are you looking forward to undertaking an internship or work experience this summer? Don’t sleepwalk your way through this valuable period of time with our six ways to make the most out of your experience.  Keep a record How many times have you come to write a CV or covering letter and found yourself staring at …

A-Z of Online Job Applications: Part 2

Looking to stand out in your online applications? Read our quick tips before settling down at the keyboard to discover the dos, don’ts and definitely don’ts of online applications.  Myths such as ‘you will be selected or rejected by a computer’ surround online applications – don’t believe them. Computers can only be used for screening candidates based on factors such …

This summer look further than the beach!

This week, you may have been onto campus to collect your results and are looking forward to exams, essays and revision becoming a distant memory as you enjoy some hard-earned relaxation. However, summer isn’t all about relaxing, it’s also a good time to be proactive and gain experiences that will increase your employability. In applications …

From research to recommendations: Holly’s Third Sector Consultancy Challenge experience

By Holly Welsh, Year 4, MSci International Relations and Global Issues  Our Third Sector Consultancy Challenge is a four week project, designed to offer social sciences students the opportunity to develop skills, experience the world of consultancy and give something back to the local community. Holly shares her experiences of taking part in this project …