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Food Matters: Careers in the Food Sector

By Seamus Higgins, Associate Professor in Food Process Engineering When one thinks about food, not only has it fuelled our evolution as humans over millions of years it has also defined our societies over thousands of years. Think of hunter gatherers, the agricultural revolution and indeed more recently the industrial revolution. Today the World Bank …

The First Steps Towards Figuring Out Your Career Options

By Anna McConachie, English student blogger Deciding what you want to do after university can be tough. This is especially true if (like me) you find yourself interested in many different career sectors, with no clear route to that ‘end goal’.  As an undergraduate English student, I’m often overwhelmed by the opportunities that come from …

My Internship With the Civil Service (Part 1)

By, Benedict Watson – Student Having passed through strenuous online tests and a telephone interview, I was delighted to find out in March that I had been accepted onto the Civil Service Summer Diversity Internship Programme (SDIP)! The Civil Service has been an area of interest for me for a while now, so I was …

Conversations About Careers: My Experience and Advice

By Rosie Pinder, BA English second year For many students and recent graduates, there is a looming pressure to figure out a career path and have a job lined up immediately after university. I have lost count of the number of times over the summer that I have been asked about my plans post-graduation. And …

Virtual Placement: Here’s What I’ve Learned

By Katy Skillen, third-year Master of Nutrition and Dietetics student  As part of my degree, I’ve just completed three weeks of a virtual placement, before starting in-person at a hospital this week. I wasn’t sure what to expect from a virtual placement, but it was actually a really interesting learning experience! So, here are some …

My Excitement To Escape My Job Led to My New Career in Australia

By Jade Walley, BA Hons Philosophy graduate All the gear with no idea Graduating with a BA Honours in Philosophy, I left university with no career plan. Throughout my final year of studies, I made the most of the Careers and Employability Service and my personal tutor, exploring graduate schemes, masters degrees, and the job …

My Bright Network Consulting Internship Experience

By Leona Rose Goodey, BSc Psychology with International Studies After having an internship cancelled at the beginning of the summer period, I started looking for online opportunities that could potentially provide a similar level of workplace experience before applying to graduate roles next year. I found the Bright Network’s experience through LinkedIn, and was accepted …

Starting a new job virtually

By Ash Watts, Professional Services Projects Officer Firstly, I want to say to the graduating class of 2020: while I do not know the levels of uncertainty upon taking your first steps into your career during a global pandemic, I do understand the simply bizarre world of starting a new job virtually. When accepting a …

My tips on video interviews from home

By Katy Skillen, MNutr Nutrition and Dietetics, second year student blogger Well, I never thought that I would be having a job interview in my bedroom. But I guess we are living in very unprecedented times. Normally, a job interview would involve me getting dressed up and sitting in an office across a desk from …

The NHS: my experience

By Katy Skillen, MNutr Dietetics and Nutrition, second year student blogger As lockdown is getting lifted, there is one aspect which I am actually going to miss. The weekly excitement of standing at our doorsteps on a Thursday night, waving at our neighbours and taking part in the ‘Clap for Carers’. It’s a time when …