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Getting Into the Media

By Suzanne McGregor, Careers and Employability Consultant Do you want a career in broadcasting and programme making? Having attended a recent Royal Television Society conference with speakers from news channels, the BBC and independent production companies, I’ve put together 10 top tips for getting into the media. 1. It’s not where you start that matters …

Early career researchers: get started in just 10 minutes

By Clare Jones, Senior Careers Adviser (Research Staff and PhDs) I’ve supported early career researchers for 10 years and a recurring challenge for them is finding the time to think ahead to explore their career options and consider their career needs and aspirations. Many leave this to the latter stages of a PhD or post-doctoral …

Are you LinkedIn?

By Charlotte Lambert, student blogger These days everything seems to be making its way onto the internet and the CV is following suit. A single sheet of A4 paper, now a thing of the past. The only question remaining, ‘are you LinkedIn?’. When I first heard about this I was beguiled at the very concept. …

Go Global – employability conference part 2

By Bety Mehide In my last post about the Go Global conference, I wrote about other international students’ experiences and global labour markets. If you missed it and feel like it would be of interest to you, please read it. In this one, I will write what I heard about part-time jobs, global organisations and …

Hundreds and Thousands of Vacancies for You!

By Jackie Thompson, E-Information Manager There are lots of job sites out there listing graduate and internship vacancies and we often get asked, where to start? Here are 10 compelling reasons why you should begin your job search with My Career, our online vacancy service. Just log in and start to explore! 1. Employers want …

Take control of your future and weigh up the benefits of further study

Are you considering continuing on to do a masters or PhD and not sure whether it’s the right option for you? Are you unsure where you can find information upcoming opportunities? Then, of course, if there wasn’t enough to think about… there’s the application process! There’s a lot to think about but we’re here to …

Celebrating #UoNambition

By Toby Cope Our annual Careers Roadshow is set to come to a campus near you from 27–31 October – don’t miss the chance to chat to our team about your ambitions and get inspired about your future. We’ll be giving out hot chocolate to warm up your day, along with three handy career tips …

Utilising our resources to help pinpoint your career

Regardless of the degree you’ve chosen it’s important to know that there are many openings into a variety of professions and that you’re not limited to just one path. Sometimes it can be difficult to know precisely what you want to do but don’t worry – that can give you time and space to approach …

Filling your CV and your wallet: popular part-time positions

With 59% of students working during their studies*, having a part-time job at university is becoming increasingly common.  If you’re going to be looking for a part-time job for September and onward, whether it’s to fund your studies or gain work experience, we’ve compiled a few things you may want to consider about some of …

Graduate Job Hunt Procrastination: What’s the Cure?

Job hunt procrastination: a condition prevalent among recent graduates, characterised by a loss of motivation for finding and applying for a job. Those experiencing procrastination may go to extreme lengths to avoid job hunting, such as prolonged Googling of unrelated subjects and intensive periods of cat video viewing.  We’ve dissected some of the common symptoms of job …