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Reflections on My Postgraduate Placement

By Joseph George Walters, PhD Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy Following my successful search, I have come to the end of my six-month postgraduate placement. In this blog, I reflect on the career implications of the placement and whether the experience met my expectations. Engagement with industry The project was instigated by MEMRAP, the campaign …

What Next? Searching for a Career

By Joseph George Walters, PhD Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy As I approach the latter stages of my PhD, my mind turns to what next? This blog describes my initial research into careers outside of academia and the processes that have helped me to define my next steps. If you are thinking about what next?, …

PhD Skills and Career Implications

By Joseph George Walters, PhD Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy An annual skills audit is a requirement for doctoral students. It is used to identify skills that a student might lack and then record improvement. This blog post highlights the career implications of my skills audits, and how they have contributed to the development of …

What to Ask at the Graduate Jobs and Internships Fair

By Katarina Piponi, fourth year MSci Zoology student As a final-year student, I’m thinking about my next step after uni so I’m going to the virtual Graduate Jobs and Internships Fair on Wednesday 3 March.  After some scrupulous googling, I’ve come to the conclusion that there is one simple measure I can take to make the most of the careers …

A PhD? Where?

By Joseph George Walters, PhD Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy In my previous blog I wrote about the experiences that played a part in my decision to pursue a PhD. In this blog I look at the main factors that I considered when deciding to do a PhD at the University of Nottingham. The Location …

Growing Your Network as a PhD Student

By Dr Harry Hothi, co-founder of DiscoverPhDs The term networking can sometimes feel like another buzzword used in the job market. Actually, networking as a PhD student can have a real positive impact on your development. It is something every student should make the time to do. What actually is networking? Networking is a skill …

A PhD or Industry?

By Joseph George Walters, PhD Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy How would you even begin to know if a PhD was right for you? Testing the waters of both working in industry and academic research helped me to decide. An Uncertain Future As a second-year undergraduate, I was not sure what to do after my …

My PhD Journey So Far

By Luke Francis, PhD student Having reached half time in my four year PhD programme, I think the time is right to think about what doing a PhD is all about – and share this with the lucky reader! Firstly – why did I do a PhD? Halfway through my fourth year of my MSci …

Starting a PhD? Dip your toe into the world of careers

By Kirstin Barnard and Lucie Whitfield, Senior Careers Advisers (PhD students and Research Staff) Hello and welcome to Nottingham from the Careers and Employability Service. We’re here to support your career journey every step of the way: to develop your ideas and plans, make the most of the opportunities on offer at the University, and …

How Do You Know a PhD Is Right for You?

By Jo Workman, Employability Education Projects Officer A PhD is a huge commitment, taking three or more years to complete, and resulting in the creation of new knowledge. But how do you know whether it will be the right move for you? We asked two psychology students to tell us how they progressed into their …