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Doing a PhD but Unsure of Your Career Options? Here’s What Helped Me.

By Annie Buckley, PhD researcher If, like me, you’re doing a PhD having gone straight from your bachelor’s degree to your master’s, and straight from your master’s to your PhD, you might be feeling like you don’t have any work experience outside academia. This can feel scary when beginning to think about career options. What …

Career Planning in Uncertain Times

By Hiba Azim, PhD researcher There’s a lot going on in the world right now and all that extra noise can be incredibly unhelpful as it simply sits – a cherry on top – of your career-planning anxiety sundae. I find myself see-sawing between frantically researching different career paths, to complete apathy and not wanting …

Hello to PGRs from Kirstin and Lucie

By Kirstin Barnard and Lucie Whitfield, Senior Careers Advisers (Postgraduate Researchers) Whether you’re new to the university or progressing with your research, in this blog we want to highlight the support we can offer you during your time at Nottingham.  Alongside our colleagues, we can help you to develop your career ideas and plans, take …

Combining a PhD With My Job

By Fabio Albanese, PhD student Are you thinking about studying for a PhD? Fabio chatted to us about his PhD and how he manages to balance studies alongside work.  1. Tell us about your educational background and qualifications gained? I have a BSc degree in biological science and a MSc degree in molecular diagnostics, both …

Knowledge Transfer Partnership – My Time as an Associate Working on a Collaborative Project

A Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) is a three-way project between a recent graduate (KTP Associate), a business and a university. KTPs offer you the opportunity to apply your academic knowledge to real-world challenges. Projects are varied, spanning all academic disciplines and organisations of any size and in any industry.  As a KTP associate, you will: …

PhD: The Beginning of a New You

By Anastasia Lazaridi, PhD alumna The start of my Journey as a PhD student The University of Nottingham gave me the opportunity to make my dreams come true when I was offered the Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship for Research Excellence and welcomed me to be part of a pioneer research team in the School of Medicine. As …

Entering the Job Market in Difficult Times

By Laura De Simoni, PhD English graduate After years of hard work, you finally finished your graduate studies…congratulations! Now it’s time to enter the job market, but the after effects of the pandemic are still very much here. While it can be daunting to apply for jobs in such challenging times, knowing your skillset will …

Transitioning from PhD to Postdoc

By Dr Erin Connelly, School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick and UoN alumna Determining your pathway in academia is specific to personal circumstances and varies greatly by individual and discipline. However, this post will attempt to draw out some general practical steps that may be transferable to a wide range of situations. This post …

Careers in the Lab: Alumni Insight

By Gemma Foxall, Employability Education Projects Officer As part of our Spotlight On series of events, we held an informative session all about lab-based careers. Amy (MSci Human Genetics), Group Leader at Charles River Laboratories, Jaimee (BSc Biology), Brain Bank Technician at King’s College London, and Liam (BSc Microbiology), Lab Manager at NHS Test and …

My Journey to a PhD Studentship

By Astrid Bowen, PhD student This year, with the support of the Careers service, I was chosen to fulfil a very special PhD studentship opportunity. Co-funded by the ESRC and Evolve, a social impact company, and undertaken through the UCL, Bloomsbury and East London Doctoral Training Partnership (UBEL DTP), the project aims to evaluate an …