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What Is a Mentor… and Do I Really Need One?

By Katy Skillen MNutr Master of Nutrition and Dietetics, third year “I’ve found a mentor!” Recently, my housemate told me that she’s found a careers mentor for herself, and I was actually really surprised. I hadn’t heard of many people getting mentors before and didn’t really understand what a mentor is. So, let me break …

Finished a Year in Industry – What Next?

By Jade Brewster-Mahon, microbiology student Since my previous careers blog post on assessment centres where I outlined my placement application process, I have finished my placement year at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in Pharmaceutical Microbiology. Throughout the placement, I consistently questioned what it is I wanted to get from the year regarding graduate opportunities. There are so …

Graduating in 2022? Get to know the job market.

By Paul Charman, Careers and Employability Service Deputy Director You might have seen the recent headlines highlighting 91 applications for each graduate job vacancy. The numbers come from the annual Institute of Student Employers (ISE) Student Recruitment Survey. Widely reported in the media this month the survey contains useful insights to support your career planning …

The First Steps Towards Figuring Out Your Career Options

By Anna McConachie, English student blogger Deciding what you want to do after university can be tough. This is especially true if (like me) you find yourself interested in many different career sectors, with no clear route to that ‘end goal’.  As an undergraduate English student, I’m often overwhelmed by the opportunities that come from …

My Journey to a PhD Studentship

By Astrid Bowen, PhD student This year, with the support of the Careers service, I was chosen to fulfil a very special PhD studentship opportunity. Co-funded by the ESRC and Evolve, a social impact company, and undertaken through the UCL, Bloomsbury and East London Doctoral Training Partnership (UBEL DTP), the project aims to evaluate an …

Accounting Careers: The Difference Between Working in Industry and in Practice

By Tom Bilby, Marketing Executive at online-based accountancy practice, The Accountancy Partnership If you’re reading this blog post then the chances are you’re a fledging finance bod, plotting your route into a career in accounting. It’s an exciting time and one we hope you’ll look back on fondly as you reflect from a position of …

Career Exploration: What Is It and Why Should I Start Now?

By Anna Scrivener, Employability Education Projects Officer  We see students to help with a range of career questions, but often the real problem is that they need to spend time on their career exploration. Before you can find suitable opportunities, or put together a great application, you have to know the answer to a few questions: …

Virtual Careers Fairs: The Ultimate Guide

By Katy Skillen, MNutr Nutrition and Dietetics, student blogger So, you’ve got to grips with lectures from home, societies from home, and catching up with friends… from home. But how about discovering your next job from home? Well, that is exactly what a virtual careers fair aims to help you do! Having attended the virtual …

Alternative Careers to Clinical Psychology – If Not Clinical Psychology, Then What?

Julia Szacilo, BSc Psychology graduate (2017) If you are anything like me, then you chose to study psychology because it is a fascinating subject, but sooner or later the question comes around of what to do career-wise after graduating. Although many psychology graduates will go onto jobs that are not related to psychology, after all, …

My Internship With the Civil Service (Part 2)

By Benedict Watson, student blogger Part one of this blog detailed the run-up and first two weeks of my summer internship with the Civil Service. Find out how my internship has progressed and what I have learned since…  What I’ve been doing Having presented my findings on the sheep meat market to my team, I …