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Publishing in Practice: Writing a Cover Letter

By Annie Brown, MA Creative Writing student blogger Writing a cover letter to a publisher can be tricky. Recently, I had to submit a short story to a publishing house and was stumped about what to write in my cover letter. I knew I needed to sell myself and my story, but I also wanted …

Every job is an opportunity to improve your skills

By Hayley Johnson, MSci Biology alumnae “I think the best advice I had was to remember that you don’t have to secure your dream job right away.” How did you find your first role and what did the recruitment process involve? My first role upon graduating was working for a market research company. I worked …

From Graduate to Entrepreneur

By Ava Neilson The world of business is changing. The way that business works and especially the impact of the internet has made working as an entrepreneur a much more viable option for everyone – especially graduates who have honed their entrepreneurial skills over time.  Being entrepreneurial is a talent that some people are born …

From graduation to the best job in the world!

By Katie Leach, UoN psychology alumna We asked Katie to talk about her career path and what advice she would give students who are moving into their final year and our 2020 graduates who are not quite where they want to be. The most extravagant recruitment process ever? So, the best place to start would …

Connect to a world of expertise with Career Mentoring

Career Mentoring offers you the opportunity to be supported with your career goals by a member of our alumni community. Hear from past mentees about their Career Mentoring experience. “I’m so pleased I took part.” Anisha Johal, MA English Literature  My mentor, Keith, had completed a PhD at Nottingham in film and had a film consultation …

My experience of applying for a masters

By Amelia Hadjianastasi, American studies and history student I’ve been thinking about my next step after University throughout my studies. Having considered my interests, I’ve decided to further my education by studying a postgraduate course in order to pursue a legal career. As I’m studying American studies and history at Nottingham, I knew that completing …

Teach First: The Taster Experience

By Katy Skillen, MNutr Nutrition and Dietetics, second year student blogger Two full days on Zoom? Yes, it is as exhausting as it sounds. But that was exactly what I signed up for when I enrolled in Teach First’s Taster Programme. Teach First is a UK charity that aims to tackle education inequality in the …

Qualities that accounting firms look for in applicants

By Elizabeth Hughes, Senior Content Writer at The Accountancy Partnership  Planning for life after graduation can be a daunting task. You’ve never done it before, and so it’s difficult to know what to expect. If you’re thinking about work, there are some skills which are universally desirable for employers. Good time keeping, an enthusiastic attitude, …

5 Things You Need to Know If You Want to Work in PR

By Ella Hendrix, writer and entrepreneur Public relations (PR) is a stimulating, fast-paced and highly rewarding career that will demand a lot from you but give you plenty back in return. Before you start firing off emails for internships or training opportunities, it’s important to understand exactly what will be expected of you in this …

Working in Sales: What I Learned

By Annie Brown, MA Creative Writing student blogger To support my masters degree, I got a part-time job in sales. Sales was a career area I had always been interested in, and I have learned a lot from the experience. Here are the top five things I learned: Representing the brand You are responsible for …