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Career Thinking for Science Graduates

By Sally Hall, Faculty Careers and Employability Consultant With a science degree, you can use your technical and transferable skills across many sectors, roles, and sizes of organisation.  In this blog post, we’re drawing your attention to options with smaller companies and careers that make a difference. Plus, how to develop insights, make connections, and …

How I Boosted My Productivity Using The Pomodoro Technique

By Anna McConachie, English student blogger Faced with four large essays and a dissertation to write over the Christmas break, I was feeling overwhelmed. When a friend suggested I try the pomodoro technique, at first I was sceptical. But after too many days spent at my laptop, I decided to try it, and was happily …

Spotlight On Publishing – What I Learnt

By Anna McConachie, English student blogger Publishing is a growing industry. Last year UK consumer book sales climbed 7% to £2.1bn according to a BBC News article. If you’re an English or humanities student like me, I’m sure you’ve considered it as a career. Here’s what I learnt from a recent publishing event hosted by …

Surviving Psychometric Tests

By Christian Jameson-Warren, Employability Education Projects Officer When I hear the word ‘test’, I immediately think ‘pass’ and ‘fail’. Actually, mostly ‘fail’. With some pressure to not even pass, to just ‘not fail’. To avoid failure. To avoid being not good enough. Might sound a little dramatic, but from my conversations with students I don’t …

Still Waiting for Your Career ‘Lightbulb Moment’?

By Jo Workman, Senior Careers Adviser Are you waiting for a flash of inspiration, or a ‘Eureka!’ moment when the perfect career idea appears in front of you?   You might be hoping that as you go through your course it will all become clear what you want to do. You’ll have your lightbulb moment and …

Six Good Reasons to Use eCareersGrad

By Cathy Sibley, Employability Education Projects Officer Do you have a job interview coming up? Or have you had a few interviews and thought you’d done ok, but they’ve not resulted in a job offer? If so, this new resource could be just what you need to elevate your job interviews from average to excellent. …

Career Planning: Preparing Yourself for the Highs, Lows, and Everything In Between

By Susie Ward, Counsellor from the University Counselling Service Navigating your emotions whilst exploring your career options and making applications can be tough. It’s normal to feel positive emotions, such as excitement and hope about future opportunities but often it’s easy to overlook the fact that sometimes negative feelings will surface too. Fear, anxiety, hopelessness, …

Profiling for Success: Your Online Reflection Tool

By Charlene Binding, Employability Education Projects Officer How easy is it for you to describe your learning style, figure out your personality type or pinpoint the things that matter to you most about your career? If you’re feeling a bit stuck about career areas that appeal to you, or aren’t sure how to articulate these …

Careers in the Lab: Alumni Insight

By Gemma Foxall, Employability Education Projects Officer As part of our Spotlight On series of events, we held an informative session all about lab-based careers. Amy (MSci Human Genetics), Group Leader at Charles River Laboratories, Jaimee (BSc Biology), Brain Bank Technician at King’s College London, and Liam (BSc Microbiology), Lab Manager at NHS Test and …

What Is a Mentor… and Do I Really Need One?

By Katy Skillen MNutr Master of Nutrition and Dietetics, third year “I’ve found a mentor!” Recently, my housemate told me that she’s found a careers mentor for herself, and I was actually really surprised. I hadn’t heard of many people getting mentors before and didn’t really understand what a mentor is. So, let me break …