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Started Your Masters? How to Hit the Ground Running

By Chris Jones, Senior Careers Adviser As a taught postgraduate student, you are part of a community of more than 5,000 students studying for a masters degree or postgraduate diploma at Nottingham. There might be a range of reasons why you are studying your current course, be it a passion for your subject or the need to gain a …

Five Practical Tips for Your First Graduate Job

by Jenna Alexander, National Head of Internal Recruitment at Hays The beginning of your career is a constant learning curve. With the benefit of hindsight, what do experienced professionals wish they’d known when starting out? Here are five top tips for your first graduate role. 1. She or he who shouts the loudest doesn’t necessarily get furthest …

From a Three-Month Internship to Dream Job

By Catherine Appleby, BA English (2013) My English degree gave me lots of transferrable skills but there was no obvious career route for me to follow. After attending sessions arranged by the Careers and Employability Service, I decided I wanted a career in marketing.  Most of my friends were going on to further study or …

A Year on from Graduation: Living and Working in China

By Vanessa Wilson, MA Translation Studies, 2017 As graduation looms, so do thoughts about what comes next. Life after graduation may still seem unreal, especially when you’ve just recovered from dissertation writing and final exams. However, the summer is now definitely upon us, dissertations have (hopefully!) been handed in and graduate life beckons.  This time …

Okay, What’s Next? Preparing for Finishing University

By Chris Jones, Senior Careers Adviser Are you coming towards the end of your degree?  Whether you are an undergraduate or a postgraduate, whether you are planning to continue in education, move into the world of work, or have other plans (or no plans yet!), one thing is certain – a change is coming. Naturally, your …

Five Sections of the Careers Website All Science Students Should Know About

By Chris Jones, Senior Careers Adviser Your Careers teams have been busy recently updating some key information on our website. If you are researching your future career options as a science student, you might find the following sections helpful: 1. What can I do with my degree? Now updated for all schools in the Faculty of …

The Future of Work: Opportunities in 3D Printing

By Chris Jones, Senior Careers Adviser for Science and Engineering 3D printing – or additive manufacturing to give it its proper name – has been around for a long time. In fact, the first patent for early 3D printing technology was filed in the 1980s. However, in recent years, the technology has developed rapidly and …

Your Most Frequently Asked Careers Questions, Answered

By Jen Balloch, Employability Education Projects Officer: Faculty of Science There are a number of different reasons you may choose to visit the Careers and Employability Service. You might have found an opportunity you want to apply for and need some help or advice on the recruitment process. Equally, you might be at the beginning of planning …

Five Simple Strategies to Invigorate Your Job Search

By Sarah Allen, Senior Careers Adviser Perhaps you have made lots of applications without success – so far – or it could be that you have been too busy thinking about revision, coursework or career plans to focus on applications. Whatever the reason, you are not alone if you are yet to secure a job to …

The Final Frontier: Working in Space

By Chris Jones, Senior Careers Adviser – Faculties of Science and Engineering At a distance of 100km away (straight up), space is nearer to Nottingham than London is. However, despite its proximity and the advancements in space technology, it is still a hugely challenging business to get rockets into space, and only 600 people on …