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LinkedIn: How You Should Really Be Using It

By Rosie Pinder, BA English second year  Recently I’ve had lots of discussions with friends who no longer use LinkedIn, and I can understand why. It can easily become a space characterised by toxic productivity and self-promotion, which can be very overwhelming. However, if you change the way you use LinkedIn, it still has the potential to be a really useful platform.   …

How Accountancy is About People, Not Just Numbers

By: The Accountancy Partnership – Online Accountants When people think about accounting, one of the first things that comes to mind is that it’s all about numbers. While accounting certainly features numbers, it goes way beyond calculators and cash. Accountancy is about the people as much as it is about numbers. Tax, thresholds, percentages and …

Dealing with Difficult Emotions During the Careers Process: My Top Five Tips

By Bryony Adshead, final year English student and Student Ambassador for the Careers and Employability Service website Human emotions are tricky things. Our brains are built for survival, not happiness. While that has the obvious benefit of allowing the species to exist for so long, it can make life a bit harder. The careers process, …

How To Prioritise Your Mental Health When Considering Your Future Career

By Benedict Watson, Student Blogger University is a time when many people start to think seriously about their future career options.  Deciding what you want to do after you graduate is a big decision, so it is important that you prioritise your mental health while decision-making. Consider some of the factors below when deciding your …

Going on Placement? Time to Get Excited!

By Katy Skillen, third year nutrition and dietetics student A few weeks ago, I found out that my placement for next year has been confirmed! Despite all the difficulties brought about by Covid-19, with lots changes and uncertainty, I can now say that in July this year I will be heading off to complete NHS …

Alternate Careers for STEM Students

By Chris Birchall, Employability Education Projects Officer It’s important to note that the value of a STEM degree stretches far beyond subject-specific jobs and career paths. The lessons learned and skills gained from a technical degree are valued by a range of employers across diverse sectors. You may not have even considered these options as …

2021: New Year.. Old You?

By Katy Skillen, third year MNutr student Well, we’re a few weeks into 2021 by now. Maybe you’ve become a brand-new version of yourself, or perhaps you gave up on your New Year’s resolutions within a week. The New Year is a great time for new beginnings, in your personal as well as professional life. …

Advice for Mature Students Changing Career Direction

By Christian Jameson-Warren, Education Employability Projects Officer Many people decide to change career direction at some point in their lives for a variety of reasons. If you are currently studying with a view to gaining a qualification that will help you with your own career change, the following tips can help you with securing your …

Teach First Q&A: The Application Process

By Annie Brown, MA Creative Writing student blogger After university, many graduates go on to teaching careers. I sat down with my friend Hannah (name changed for privacy) to discuss the application process for the popular graduate scheme Teach First. The application process for many graduate schemes is similar and knowing what to expect can …

Being a Social Secretary and What I Learned

By Annie Brown, MA Creative Writing student blogger Being part of a committee while at university can be a great experience. Last year I accepted the role of social secretary for the English committee. This role gave me many great opportunities and the skills I learned has boosted my CV enormously. Here is what I …