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75 employers waiting to meet you!

By, Samantha Longe-Thomas, Events and Vacancies Team Leader You might assume that employers at our Management and Business Fair are only interested in business-related degrees. They are not! You may also assume that you might only get a free pen at this event, but again, you may be pleasantly surprised as there will be pizza …

What Do Recruiters Look for in Your Application?

By Pablo Costa, Careers Adviser (Faculty of Engineering) When I was graduate recruitment adviser, most Mondays involved me peering over a mountain of CVs trying to find one that stood out and matched an employer’s requirements. Tuesdays would see me creating a candidate shortlist and by Wednesday I would be on the phone arranging interviews, …

How to Kick-Start Your Career with an Internship

By Sarah Allen, Faculty of Social Sciences Employability Projects Officer Why do an internship? While any sort of work experience will be useful, internship schemes give you exposure to working on a project and offer responsibility from day one. Typically they last 8-10 weeks and are completed during the summer following your second year at …