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The Two Sides of Career Mentoring

By Sarah Brumpton, Career Mentoring Administrator The mentee, Jemima Willgoss I started studying food science with little idea of where I wanted to go with it, and having read about the benefits of Career Mentoring I thought it would be really helpful to have someone to guide me with career choices. My mentor is Sam …

Starting a Graduate Job: My First Weeks in Digital Marketing

By Laura Sage, BA Hons English (2017) After months of job applications, and rejection after rejection, I stumbled upon an interesting and exciting role at an HR software company called Cezanne HR. The position was for a Digital Marketing Executive, and as I have experience in digital marketing, I thought it would be a good …

The Future is Digital: Finding My Graduate Career

By Beth Angella, BA English Mid-way through my final autumn semester, I attended the Digital Marketing Academy: Get Inspired event. It was an eye-opening insight into the many opportunities in the digital marketing sector. I was intrigued by the creativity, the possibility for tangible results and the sheer scale of the projects on offer. At …

10,000 miles from Nottingham: Caring for animals in the outback

By Elizabeth Cresswell, PGCert Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, graduated 2016 I always had the idea that I might like to work abroad for a period of time, and didn’t want to settle down into a job in UK before giving it a go. After graduating, it was a ‘now or never’ situation! Why Australia? I had …

Why the Nottingham Advantage Award Is More Than a Great Addition to Your CV

By Leon Man, MSci Hons International Relations and Global Issues (2017)  I made two decisions at Nottingham that made me more attractive to employers: studying abroad and taking the Nottingham Advantage Award. You see and hear that the Award is great for your CV, adds to your transcript, and offers new skills and exciting experiences. But there’s more. I …

My Graduate Journey from Nottingham to Paris

By Mike Winnington, BA Modern European Studies, graduated 2015 While at university, I swerved questions from my parents about what happens next. The idea of doing a graduate scheme didn’t particularly appeal to me, and I knew that I wanted to keep on using the languages that I studied at university. But how? I explored several …

A Year on from Graduation: Living and Working in China

By Vanessa Wilson, MA Translation Studies, 2017 As graduation looms, so do thoughts about what comes next. Life after graduation may still seem unreal, especially when you’ve just recovered from dissertation writing and final exams. However, the summer is now definitely upon us, dissertations have (hopefully!) been handed in and graduate life beckons.  This time …

Plants to People: How I Became a Recruitment Consultant

By Tom Cox, BSc Hons Plant Science, graduated 2016 A plant science graduate, a semi-professional cyclist, a youth work volunteer and a blogger all walk into an office… Sounds like it should be the start of a joke that’s going to need to be explained more than once doesn’t it? Rewind ten months and that …

Why University Is the Time to Hone Your Leadership Skills

By Jo Darbyshire, Commercial Director at Avalon Funeral Plans, BSc Mathematics and Statistics If I had to choose one key skill I gained at university that helped me forge my career as Commercial Director of Avalon Funeral Plans, it would be leadership. After leaving the University of Nottingham and starting my career in the corporate world, …

Where in the World Will Your Degree Take You? Maybe South Korea?

By Ben Wolff, BSc Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, 2016 After finishing my A Levels, I went straight onto a degree in psychology and cognitive neuroscience at the university. And now I’m teaching English at an elementary school in rural South Korea! Why I decided to work abroad The main reason I decided to work abroad …