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How to Get Over Being Totally Indecisive About Choosing Your Career Path

By Rachael Redgate, BA (Hons) Geography (2011) Do you feel overwhelmed by the myriad of career options available to you? Are you afraid of making the wrong choice? Do you know you want to pursue something you’re passionate about but aren’t so sure what that is yet?  On a good day, it feels quite liberating to …

How I Maximised My Experiences at Nottingham To Accelerate My Career

By Alan Chan, BSc Economics (2013) and MSc Entrepreneurship (2014) When I look over my university experience and career development to date, I always find it interesting how one thing led to another. As I connected the dots, I began to recognize patterns that reveals my entrepreneurial traits that were shaped during my time at …

An Arts Degree is the Best Preparation for the Digital World

by Lauren Wilson, English and French graduate As we all know, an arts degree doesn’t prepare you for a particular profession; cue the decision-making over what career you will forge after graduating! However, this ‘open-ended-ness’ is also one of the best things about studying English, languages, music, history of art, the list goes on… A …

How I Went From an Arts Degree to a Career in Social Work

by Anna Halsall, BA English and Philosophy, graduated 2011 After leaving university, I was unsure where my next chapter would lead me. I knew I wanted a career that provided challenge, variety, and was fulfilling. I toiled with the idea of commencing postgraduate social work study, but held off initially to build up my work experience. After …

How I Secured a Place on a Graduate Training Scheme

By Tim Calderhead, BA Joint Hons Philosophy and Theology, graduated 2013 I decided a graduate training scheme was right for me for two reasons: I wanted to be part of a cohort of colleagues my own age, and work for a company that provided lots of opportunities both internally and internationally. After 37 job applications …

Taking the Direct Route into a Graduate Job

By Toby Cope, BArch Hons Architecture, graduated 2015 Having worked part time all through my studies in a marketing role, when it came to thinking about what my first job after university would be, I made the decision that a graduate scheme was not for me. Finding the right mix I was really keen to …

Five Most Important Things I’ve Learned Since Graduation: The Story of a Life Coach

By Rachael Redgate, BA (Hons) Geography (2011) I graduated from the University of Nottingham in 2011 with a BA Hons Human Geography. I was excited to get out into the world and start my career. So I did. I found myself a job in a law firm, spent some time travelling around Peru and even tried …

Seven Reasons to Apply for the Nottingham Internship Scheme – Today!

by James Charton-Little The spring term had come to a close and with summer on the horizon,  I still didn’t have a definite plan. When applications opened for the Nottingham Internship Scheme, one particular opportunity caught my attention. I applied, I got the internship and 12 months later I am working for the company full-time as a Development Executive.  Are …

Should I Do a Masters?

By Alice Gould Before I went on my year abroad in Sweden, I had no intention of doing a masters; the thought had never crossed my mind. Law students aren’t really expected to do a masters. In fact, I’d even been told by a law firm at a careers event that they didn’t care about …

How I Went From VP to PhD

Tom Storr, Graduate While studying at Sutton Bonington (SB), I became involved in a lot of student groups. In my second year I was Vice President of the Agricultural Society, and then in my final year I was elected to be SB Sports and Activities Officer on the Guild. Alongside this, I had a role …